Proceedings Nineteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'95)
Aug. 9 1995 to Aug. 11 1995
Dallas, Texas
ISBN: 0-8186-7119-X
Table of Contents
Session 1: Advances in Formal Methods I
Session 1: Advances in Formal Methods I
Session 2: Knowledge-Based Systems
Session 2: Knowledge-Based Systems
Session 2: Knowledge-Based Systems
Session 3: Panel: Software Industry Growth: Funding Based on Software Valuation
Session 4: Advances in Formal Methods II
Session 4: Advances in Formal Methods II
Session 5: Modeling Techniques
Session 6: Panel: Software Technology in the 21st Century: A Technology Forecast
Session 6: Panel: Software Technology in the 21st Century: A Technology Forecast
Session 6: Panel: Software Technology in the 21st Century: A Technology Forecast
Session 7: Software Support Leverage for Formal Methods
Session 7: Software Support Leverage for Formal Methods
Session 8: Database Applications
Session 9: Performance Evaluation and Optimization
Session 9: Performance Evaluation and Optimization
Session 9: Performance Evaluation and Optimization
Session 9: Performance Evaluation and Optimization
Thursday Plenary Session: Keynote Address II
Session 10: Software Development Tools
Session 10: Software Development Tools
Session 10: Software Development Tools
Session 11: Object-Oriented Approach for Distributed Systems
Session 11: Object-Oriented Approach for Distributed Systems
Session 11: Object-Oriented Approach for Distributed Systems
Session 12: Metrics and Software Quality
Session 12: Metrics and Software Quality
Session 12: Metrics and Software Quality
Session 13: Prototyping and Testing
Session 14: Distributed Algorithms and Environments
Session 14: Distributed Algorithms and Environments
Session 14: Distributed Algorithms and Environments
Session 16: Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Reuse, and Customization
Session 16: Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Reuse, and Customization
Session 16: Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Reuse, and Customization
Session 17: Distributed Multi-Media Systems: Tools and Techniques
Session 17: Distributed Multi-Media Systems: Tools and Techniques
Session 19: Software Process Improvements
Session 19: Software Process Improvements
Session 20: Multi-Media Storage Management and Applications
Session 20: Multi-Media Storage Management and Applications
Session 20: Multi-Media Storage Management and Applications
Session 22: Multi-Paradigm Programming
Session 22: Multi-Paradigm Programming
Session 23: Software Development for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Session 23: Software Development for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Session 23: Software Development for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Session 24: Panel: Software Fault Tolerance
Session 24: Panel: Software Fault Tolerance
Session 25: Software Security and Safety
Session 26: Applications