40th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (Cat. No.99CB37039)
Oct. 17 1999 to Oct. 18 1999
New York, New York
ISSN: 0272-5428
ISBN: 0-7695-0409-4
Table of Contents
Session 1, Chair: David Schmoys
Session 1, Chair: David Schmoys
Session 1, Chair: David Schmoys
Session 1, Chair: David Schmoys
Session 2, Chair: Paul Beame
Session 2, Chair: Paul Beame
Session 3, Chair: Joseph Mitchell
Session 4, Chair: Michael Mitsenmacher
Session 5A, Chair: Andrei Broder
Session 5A, Chair: Andrei Broder
Session 5A, Chair: Andrei Broder
Session 6A, Chair: Dana Randall
Session 6A, Chair: Dana Randall
Session 6A, Chair: Dana Randall
Session 6B, Chair: James Aspnes
Session 7A, Chair: Satish Rao
Session 7B, Chair: Peter Shor
Session 7B, Chair: Peter Shor
Session 7B, Chair: Peter Shor
Session 8A, Chair: Joseph Mitchell
Session 8A, Chair: Joseph Mitchell
Session 8B, Chair: Paul Beame
Session 8B, Chair: Paul Beame
Session 9B, Chair: Luca Trevisan
Session 10A, Chair: Ming Li
Session 10B, Chair: Luca Trevisan
Session 10B, Chair: Luca Trevisan
Session 11A, Chair: Susanne Albers
Session 11A, Chair: Susanne Albers
Session 11B, Chair: Nader Bshouty
Session 11B, Chair: Nader Bshouty