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36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the

Jan. 6 2003 to Jan. 9 2003

Big Island, Hawaii

ISBN: 0-7695-1874-5


Table of Contents

Track Introduction
Digital Documents and MediaFreely available from IEEE.pp. 98
Creating the Experience of Media — From Media Design to Media (DDCEM)
Minitrack Summary: Creating the Experience of Media — From Media Design to MediaFreely available from IEEE.pp. 99
Creating the Experience of Media — From Media Design to Media (DDCEM)
The Influence of the Meaning of Pictures and Words on Web Page Recognition PerformanceFreely available from IEEE.pp. 100a
Creating the Experience of Media — From Media Design to Media (DDCEM)
Needs and Gratifications for Interactive TV Applications: Implications for DesignersFreely available from IEEE.pp. 100b
Creating the Experience of Media — From Media Design to Media (DDCEM)
Synthesizing Evocative Imagery through Design PatternsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 101a
Creating the Experience of Media — From Media Design to Media (DDCEM)
The Gender Factor in Virtual Reality Navigation and WayfindingFreely available from IEEE.pp. 101b
Digital Libraries (DDDLS)
Introduction to the Digital Libraries MinitrackFreely available from IEEE.pp. 102
Digital Libraries (DDDLS)
The Online News Genre through the User PerspectiveFreely available from IEEE.pp. 103a
Digital Libraries (DDDLS)
A Hybrid Approach for User ProfilingFreely available from IEEE.pp. 103b
Digital Libraries (DDDLS)
Support Vector Machines for Text CategorizationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 103c
Enterprise Content Management (DDECM)
Introduction to the Enterprise Content Management MinitrackFreely available from IEEE.pp. 104
Enterprise Content Management (DDECM)
PDA Access to Internet Content: Focus on FormsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 105a
Enterprise Content Management (DDECM)
A Watermarking Infrastructure for Enterprise Document ManagementFreely available from IEEE.pp. 105b
Enterprise Content Management (DDECM)
Developing Video Services for Mobile UsersFreely available from IEEE.pp. 106
Information Retrieval and Applications (DDIRA)
Information Retrieval and Applications: Minitrack IntroductionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 107
Information Retrieval and Applications (DDIRA)
Subword-Based Text RetrievalFreely available from IEEE.pp. 108a
Information Retrieval and Applications (DDIRA)
The Effect of Bilingual Term List Size on Dictionary-Based Cross-Language Information RetrievalFreely available from IEEE.pp. 108b
Information Retrieval and Applications (DDIRA)
A General Method for Statistical Performance EvaluationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 108c
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory and Organizational Learning Minitrack IntroductionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 109
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Exploring the Impacts of Knowledge (Re)Use and Organizational Memory on the Effectiveness of Strategic Decisions: A Longitudinal Case StudyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 110b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Developing a Value-Based Decision-Making Model for Inquiring OrganizationsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 111a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
A Performance Environment Perspective of Knowledge ManagementFreely available from IEEE.pp. 111b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
with a Knowledge Network Management System Supporting the Knowledge Life CycleFreely available from IEEE.pp. 112a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
The Power of a Question: A Case Study of Two Organizational Knowledge Capture SystemsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 112b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Divergent Approaches and Converging Views: Drawing Sensible Linkages between Knowledge Management and Organizational LearningFreely available from IEEE.pp. 113a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
"Yeah, the Rush ain't here yet — Take a break": Creation and Use of an Artifact as Organizational MemoryFreely available from IEEE.pp. 113b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Organizational Learning and Innovation in High-Tech Small FirmsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 114a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Playing the Dilemma: Dilemmas as an Instrument in System Development and UseFreely available from IEEE.pp. 114b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Role of Commitment and Motivation in Knowledge Management Systems Implementation: Theory, Conceptualization, and Measurement of Antecedents of SuccessFreely available from IEEE.pp. 115a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
The Generative Dance in Pursuit of Generative KnowledgeFreely available from IEEE.pp. 115b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Discovering Group Interaction Patterns in a Teachers Professional CommunityFreely available from IEEE.pp. 116a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Knowledge Management Technology for Revealing Cognitive Diversity within a Management TeamFreely available from IEEE.pp. 116b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
The Need for an Organizational Knowledge Management StrategyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 117a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
A Framework for Strategic Balancing of Knowledge Management InitiativesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 117b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
A Case Study of Integrating Knowledge Management into the Supply Chain Management ProcessFreely available from IEEE.pp. 118a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Knowledge Transfer in Virtual Information Systems Development Teams: An Empirical Examination of Key EnablersFreely available from IEEE.pp. 119a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Making Sense of the Organisation?s Knowledge: Does Systematisation of the Knowledge Base Have a Positive or Negative Effect on Organizational Culture?Freely available from IEEE.pp. 119b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
An Investigation of Organizational Culture Factors That May Influence Knowledge TransferFreely available from IEEE.pp. 120a
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Frameworks for Sharing Knowledge Toward a Professional Language for Teaching PracticesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 120b
Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Organizational Learning (DDOML)
Advanced Technology and Knowledge TransferFreely available from IEEE.pp. 120c
XML and the Semantic Web: Implications and Applications (DDXML)
XML and the Semantic Web: Implications and Applications Minitrack IntroductionFreely available from IEEE.pp. 121
XML and the Semantic Web: Implications and Applications (DDXML)
Balanced Scorecard Driven Business Process Definition Using XMLFreely available from IEEE.pp. 122a
XML and the Semantic Web: Implications and Applications (DDXML)
XML Security Using XSLTFreely available from IEEE.pp. 122b
XML and the Semantic Web: Implications and Applications (DDXML)
XML Based Robust Client-Server Communication for a Distributed Telecommunication Management SystemFreely available from IEEE.pp. 122c
XML and the semantic web: what is the future?Freely available from IEEE.pp. 123-124
Information management and visualizationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 48
Markets and regulationFreely available from IEEE.pp. 51
A first person IP over HDSL case studyFreely available from IEEE.pp. 10 pp.
E-health strategiesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 162
Electronic marketingFreely available from IEEE.pp. 190
Introduction to internet securityFreely available from IEEE.pp. 203
Peer-to-peer (P2P) computingFreely available from IEEE.pp. 217
Personalization management systemsFreely available from IEEE.pp. 221
Measuring IT valueFreely available from IEEE.pp. 245
Virtuality in organizations and communitiesFreely available from IEEE.pp. 270
Showing 90 out of 90