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2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)
Oct. 29 2018 to Nov. 1 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Table of Contents
[Title page i]
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 1-1
[Title page iii]
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 3-3
[Copyright notice]
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 4-4
Table of Contents
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 5-21
Message from the Program Chairs
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 21-22
Organizing Committee
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 23-25
International Steering and Supervisory Committee
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 26-26
Program Committees
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 27-32
The Role of Data Stewardship in Software Sustainability and Reproducibility
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 1-8
Maria J. Cruz
Shalini Kurapati
Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden
Talk to Me: A Case Study on Coordinating Expertise in Large-Scale Scientific Software Projects
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 9-18
Reed Milewicz
Elaine Raybourn
Lesson Development for Open Source Software Best Practices Adoption
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 19-20
Mateusz Kuzak
Jen Harrow
Rafael C. Jimenez
Paula Andrea Martinez
Fotis E. Psomopoulos
Radka Svobodová Vařeková
Allegra Via
Reflections from a Decade of Running CCPForge
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 21-22
Catherine Jones
Alan Kyffin
Gemma Poulter
Painting the Picture of Software Impact with the Research Software Directory
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 23-24
Jurriaan H. Spaaks
Tom Klaver
Stefan Verhoeven
Jason Maassen
Tom Bakker
Atze van der Ploeg
Ben van Werkhoven
Willem van Hage
Rob V. van Nieuwpoort
Mapping the Research Software Sustainability Space
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 25-30
Stephan Druskat
Daniel S. Katz
Building a Sustainable Structure for Research Software Engineering Activities
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 31-32
Jeremy Cohen
Daniel S. Katz
Michelle Barker
Robert Haines
Neil Chue Hong
Research Software Discovery: An Overview
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 33-37
Alexander Struck
Survey on Research Software Engineering in the Netherlands
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 38-39
Ben van Werkhoven
Tom Bakker
Olivier Philippe
Simon Hettrick
The Archive and Package (arcp) URI Scheme
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 40-44
Stian Soiland-Reyes
Marcos Cáceres
Preserving Reproducibility: Provenance and Executable Containers in DataONE Data Packages
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 45-49
Bryce Mecum
Matthew B. Jones
Dave Vieglais
Craig Willis
A Research Object-Based Toolkit to Support the Earth Science Research Lifecycle
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 50-57
Raul Palma
Andres Garcia-Silva
Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez
Marcin Krystek
Digital Methods in Holocaust Studies: The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 58-66
Daan de Leeuw
Mike Bryant
Michal Frankl
Ivelina Nikolova
Vladimir Alexiev
Catching Toad Calls in the Cloud: Commodity Edge Computing for Flexible Analysis of Big Sound Data
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 67-74
Paul Roe
Meriem Ferroudj
Michael Towsey
Lin Schwarzkopf
FATBIRD: A Tool for Flight and Trajectories Analyses of Birds
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 75-82
Daniyal Kazempour
Anna Beer
Friederike Herzog
Daniel Kaltenthaler
Johannes-Y. Lohrer
Thomas Seidl
Nanopublications: A Growing Resource of Provenance-Centric Scientific Linked Data
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 83-92
Tobias Kuhn
Albert Meroño-Peñuela
Alexander Malic
Jorrit H. Poelen
Allen H. Hurlbert
Emilio Centeno Ortiz
Laura I. Furlong
Núria Queralt-Rosinach
Christine Chichester
Juan M. Banda
Egon Willighagen
Friederike Ehrhart
Chris Evelo
Tareq B. Malas
Michel Dumontier
ScienceSearch: Enabling Search through Automatic Metadata Generation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 93-104
Gonzalo P. Rodrigo
Matt Henderson
Gunther H. Weber
Colin Ophus
Katie Antypas
Lavanya Ramakrishnan
Curation of Image Data for Medical Research
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 105-113
Lasse Wollatz
Mark Scott
Steven J. Johnston
Peter M. Lackie
Simon J. Cox
How FAIR Can you Get? Image Retrieval as a Use Case to Calculate FAIR Metrics
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 114-124
Tobias Weber
Dieter Kranzlmüller
Specimens as Research Objects: Reconciliation Across Distributed Repositories to Enable Metadata Propagation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 125-135
Nicky Nicolson
Alan Paton
Sarah Phillips
Allan Tucker
Fast and Reproducible LOFAR Workflows with AGLOW
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 136-144
A.P. Mechev
J.B.R. Oonk
T. Shimwell
A. Plaat
H.T. Intema
H.J.A. Rottgering
Visual Programming Languages for Programmers with Dyslexia: An Experiment
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 145-155
Jose L. Fuertes
Luis F. Gonzalez
Loic Martinez
An Algebra for Robust Workflow Transformations
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 156-167
Nicholas Hazekamp
Douglas Thain
Orchestral: A Lightweight Framework for Parallel Simulations of Cell-Cell Communication
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 168-176
Adrien Coulier
Andreas Hellander
Pilot-Streaming: A Stream Processing Framework for High-Performance Computing
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 177-188
Georgios Chantzialexiou
Andre Luckow
Shantenu Jha
Concurrent and Adaptive Extreme Scale Binding Free Energy Calculations
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 189-200
Jumana Dakka
Kristof Farkas-Pall
Matteo Turilli
David W. Wright
Peter V. Coveney
Shantenu Jha
Educational Outreach & Stakeholder Role Evolution in a Cyberinfrastructure Project
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 201-211
David P. Randall
Drew Paine
Charlotte P. Lee
A Survey of Software Metric Use in Research Software Development
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 212-222
Nasir U. Eisty
George K. Thiruvathukal
Jeffrey C. Carver
Building NDStore Through Hierarchical Storage Management and Microservice Processing
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 223-233
Kunal Lillaney
Dean Kleissas
Alexander Eusman
Eric Perlman
William Gray Roncal
Joshua T. Vogelstein
Randal Burns
Designing Scientific SPARQL Queries Using Autocompletion by Snippets
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 234-244
Karima Rafes
Serge Abiteboul
Sarah Cohen-Boulakia
Bastien Rance
Big Provenance Stream Processing for Data Intensive Computations
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 245-255
Isuru Suriarachchi
Sachith Withana
Beth Plale
Skluma: An Extensible Metadata Extraction Pipeline for Disorganized Data
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 256-266
Tyler J. Skluzacek
Rohan Kumar
Ryan Chard
Galen Harrison
Paul Beckman
Kyle Chard
Ian T. Foster
Message from the eScience 2018 Program Committee Chairs for the Focused Session on Weather & Climate Science in the Digital Era
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 267-267
Peter Bauer
Martine de Vos
A Hybrid-Resolution Earth System Model
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 268-269
Marc Stringer
Colin Jones
Richard Hill
Mohit Dalvi
Colin Johnson
Jeremy Walton
Resolving clouds in a global atmosphere model - A multiscale approach with nested models
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 270-270
Fredrik Jansson
Gijs van den Oord
Pier Siebesma
Daan Crommelin
Increasing parallelism in climate models via additional component concurrency
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 271-271
Jörg Behrens
Joachim Biercamp
Hendryk Bockelmann
Philipp Neumann
Extracting Flood Maps from Social Media for Assimilation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 272-273
Etienne Brangbour
Pierrick Bruneau
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet
Toward a Cloud Ecosystem for Modeling as a Service
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 274-275
Mohan Ramamurthy
Machine Learning for Applied Weather Prediction
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 276-277
Sue Ellen Haupt
Jim Cowie
Seth Linden
Tyler McCandless
Branko Kosovic
Stefano Alessandrini
Visibility Prediction Based on Kilometric NWP Model Outputs Using Machine-Learning Regression
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 278-278
Driss Bari
Weather Reanalysis on an Urban Scale using WRF
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 279-280
Ronald van Haren
Sytse Koopmans
Gert-Jan Steeneveld
Natalie Theeuwes
Remko Uijlenhoet
Albert A.M. Holtslag
Detecting probability of ice formation on overhead lines of the dutch railway network
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 281-282
Irene Garcia-Marti
Gerard van der Schrier
Jan Willem Noteboom
Paul Diks
A Web Service Architecture for Objective Station Classification Purposes
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 283-284
Martin G. Schultz
Sander Apweiler
Jan Vogelsang
Björn Hagemeier
Felix Kleinert
Daniel Mallmann
Message from the eScience 2018 Program Committee Chairs for the Focused Session on Data Handling and Analytics for Health
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 285-285
Jaap Heringa
Vincent van Hees
Gross Motor Activity Patterns in Depression and Anxiety
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 286-286
Sonia Difrancesco
Vadim Zipunnikov
Robert A. Schoevers
Harriëtte Riese
Niki Antypa
Brenda W.J.H. Penninx
Kathleen R. Merikangas
Albert A. M. van Hemert
Femke Lamers
NordScreen - An Interactive Tool for Presenting Cervical Cancer Screening Indicators in the Nordic Countries
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 287-287
Veli-Matti Partanen
Maiju Pankakoski
Zurab Bzhalava
Piret Veerus
Ahti Anttila
Tytti Sarkeala
Ameli Tropé
Stefan Lönnberg
Sirpa Heinävaara
Joakim Dillner
Ágúst Ingi Ágústsson
Stratifying Cervical Cancer Risk with Registry Data
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 288-289
Nicholas Baltzer
Mari Nygård
Karin Sundström
Joakim Dillner
Jan Nygård
Jan Komorowski
Automating the Placement of Time Series Models for IoT Healthcare Applications
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 290-291
Lauren Roberts
Peter Michalák
Sarah Heaps
Michael Trenell
Darren Wilkinson
Paul Watson
Semantically Enriched Literature Search Combining Text Mining, QSPR and Ontologies in Scientific Workflows
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 292-292
Magnus Palmblad
Differences in the commonly used genotype imputation algorithms and their imputation accuracy estimates
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 293-294
Kalle Pärn
Matti Pirinen
Mart Kals
Reedik Mägi
Veikko Salomaa
Michael Boehnke
Ira Hall
Nathan Stitziel
Nelson Freimer
Mark Daly
Aarno Palotie
Samuli Ripatti
Priit Palta
Mining Events Preceding a Cancer Diagnosis
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 295-296
Rebecka Weegar
The Impact of Social Versus Individual Learning for Agents' Risk Perception During Epidemics
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 297-298
Shaheen A. Abdulkareem
Ellen-Wien Augustijn
Katarzyna Musial
Yaseen T. Mustafa
Tatiana Filatova
Workflows Orchestrating Workflows: Thousands of Queries and Their Fault Tolerance Using APIs of Omics Web Resources
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 299-300
Yassene Mohammed
Machine Learning for Multi-Omics Data Integration and Variant Pathogenicity Estimation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 301-301
Shuang Li
K. Joeri van der Velde
Morris A. Swertz
Remote Cloud-Based Automated Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment Using Wearables
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 302-302
Shane Halloran
Jian Qing Shi
Yu Guan
Xi Chen
Michael Dunne-Willows
Janet Eyre
A portable and scalable workflow for detecting structural variants in whole-genome sequencing data
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 303-304
Arnold Kuzniar
Jason Maassen
Stefan Verhoeven
Luca Santuari
Carl Shneider
Wigard Kloosterman
Jeroen de Ridder
Analytics pipeline for left ventricle segmentation and volume estimation on cardiac MRI using deep learning
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 305-306
Mai H. Nguyen
Ehab Abdelmaguid
Jolene Huang
Sanjay Kenchareddy
Disha Singla
Laura Wilke
Marcus Bobar
Eric D. Carruth
Dylan Uys
Ilkay Altintas
Evan D. Muse
Giorgio Quer
Steven Steinhubl
Message from the eScience 2018 Program Committee Chairs for the Focused Session on Advances in eScience for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 307-307
Claes de Vreese
Carlos Martinez-Ortiz
Filter and Annotate: Towards Automatic Identification of Genuine Metaphoricity
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 308-309
Erik-Lân Do Dinh
Iryna Gurevych
Petra Gehring
Extracting Theory from Black Boxes: Using Machine Vision APIs in Communication Research
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 310-311
Theo Araujo
Irina Lock
Bob Van De Velde
Understanding evolving communities in transnational board interlock networks
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 312-313
Dafne E. Van Kuppevelt
Frank W. Takes
Eelke M. Heemskerk
TI-One: Active Research Data Management in a Modern Philosophy Department
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 314-315
Gioele Barabucci
Mark Eschweiler
Andreas Speer
Software Engineering and Digital Research Infrastructures
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 316-317
Carsten Thiel
Dieter Van Uytvanck
Tibor Kálmán
Automatically Detecting Incivility in Online Discussions of News Media
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 318-319
Johannes Daxenberger
Marc Ziegele
Iryna Gurevych
Oliver Quiring
Social network-epistemology
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 320-321
M. Alfano
S. Cunningham
W. Meulemans
I. Rutter
M. Sondag
B. Speckmann
E. Sullivan
Democratizing Ancient Mesopotamian Research through Digital Scholarship
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 322-322
Raquel Alegre
Anastasis Georgoulas
Stuart Grieve
Eleanor Robson
Using Facial Expressions of Students for Detecting Levels of Intrinsic Motivation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 323-324
Pedro Bispo Santos
Caroline Verena Wahle
Iryna Gurevych
Bringing Data Science to Qualitative Analysis
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 325-326
You-Wei Cheah
Drew Paine
Devarshi Ghoshal
Lavanya Ramakrishnan
Linking Text and Knowledge Using the INCEpTION Annotation Platform
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 327-328
Richard Eckart De Castilho
Jan-Christoph Klie
Naveen Kumar
Beto Boullosa
Iryna Gurevych
INCA: Infrastructure for Content Analysis
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 329-330
Damian Trilling
Bob Van De Velde
Anne C. Kroon
Felicia Löcherbach
Theo Araujo
Joanna Strycharz
Tamara Raats
Lisa De Klerk
Jeroen G.F. Jonkman
Message from the eScience 2018 Program Committee Chairs for the Focused Session on Exascale Computing for High-Energy Physics
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 331-331
Jeff Templon
Yifat Dzigan
Understanding the Performance of a Prototype of a WLCG Data Lake for HL-LHC
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 332-333
Jaroslava Schovancová
Simone Campana
Xavier Espinal Curull
Maria Girone
Ivan Kadochnikov
Gavin John McCance
Modelling high-energy physics data transfers
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 334-335
Joaquin Bogado
Fernando Monticelli
Javier Diaz
Mario Lassnig
Ilija Vukotic
Distributed and On-demand Cache for CMS Experiment at LHC
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 336-337
Diego Ciangottini
Daniele Spiga
Tommaso Boccali
Giacinto Donvito
Daniele Cesini
Giuseppe Bagliesi
Enrico Mazzone
Antonio Falabella
Fine-Grained Processing Towards HL-LHC Computing in ATLAS
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 338-338
Doug Benjamin
Paolo Calafiura
Taylor Childers
Kaushik De
Alessandro Di Girolamo
Esteban Fullana
Wen Guan
Tadashi Maeno
Nicolo Magini
Paul Nilsson
Danila Oleynik
Shaojun Sun
Vakho Tsulaia
Peter Van Gemmeren
Torre Wenaus
Wei Yang
Implementation of the ATLAS Trigger Within the ATLAS Multi-threaded Software Framework AthenaMT
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 339-339
Tim Martin
Modeling Impact of Execution Strategies on Resource Utilization
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 340-340
Alexey Poyda
Mikhail Titov
Alexei Klimentov
Jack Wells
Sarp Oral
Kaushik De
Danila Oleynik
Shantenu Jha
Towards Exascale Computing for High Energy Physics: The ATLAS Experience at ORNL
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 341-342
V Ananthraj
K De
S Jha
A Klimentov
D Oleynik
S Oral
A Merzky
R Mashinistov
S Panitkin
P Svirin
M Turilli
J Wells
S Wilkinson
Simulating HEP Workflows on Heterogeneous Architectures
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 343-343
Charles Leggett
Illya Shapoval
TrackML: A High Energy Physics Particle Tracking Challenge
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 344-344
Polo Calafiura
Steven Farrell
Heather Gray
Jean-Roch Vlimant
Vincenzo Innocente
Andreas Salzburger
Sabrina Amrouche
Tobias Golling
Moritz Kiehn
Victor Estrade
Cécile Germaint
Isabelle Guyon
Ed Moyse
David Rousseau
Yetkin Yilmaz
Vladimir Vava Gligorov
Mikhail Hushchyn
Andrey Ustyuzhanin
Automated Parallel Calculation of Collaborative Statistical Models in RooFit
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 345-346
E. G. Patrick Bos
Inti Pelupessy
Vincent A. Croft
Wouter Verkerke
Carsten D. Burgard
Strategies for Modeling Extreme Luminosities in the CMS Simulation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 347-347
Michael D. Hildreth
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
Kevin Pedro
Matti Kortelainen
Deep Generative Models for Fast Shower Simulation in ATLAS
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 348-348
Dalila Salamani
Stefan Gadatsch
Tobias Golling
Graeme Andrew Stewart
Aishik Ghosh
David Rousseau
Ahmed Hasib
Jana Schaarschmidt
Poster Abstracts eScience 2018 Conference
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 349-349
Ben van Werkhoven
Adriënne Mendrik
Rob van Nieuwpoort
3bij3: A Framework for Testing Effects of Recommender Systems on News Exposure
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 350-351
Felicia Löcherbach
Damian Trilling
A First Look at the JX Workflow Language
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 352-353
Tim Shaffer
Kyle M.D. Sweeney
Nathaniel Kremer-Herman
Douglas Thain
A Spark-Based Platform to Extract Phenological Information from Satellite Images
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 354-355
Viktor Bakayov
Romulo Goncalves
Raul Zurita-Milla
Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier
Assessing and visualising online information quality
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 356-357
Davide Ceolin
Jacco Van Ossenbruggen
Lora Aroyo
Ozkan Sener
Robin Sharma
Lesia Tkacz
Julia Noordegraaf
ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 358-359
M. E. Pozo Astigarraga
Automated Composition of Scientific Workflows in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 360-361
Anna-Lena Lamprecht
Magnus Palmblad
Jon Ison
Veit Schwämmle
Automated composition of scientific workflows: A case study on geographic data manipulation
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 362-363
Vedran Kasalica
Anna-Lena Lamprecht
Automatic Recommendations for Data Coding: A Use Case from Medical and Teacher Education
Freely available from IEEE.
pp. 364-365
Claudia Schulz
Michael Sailer
Jan Kiesewetter
Elisabeth Bauer
Frank Fischer
Martin R. Fischer
Iryna Gurevych
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