Join the IEEE CS SYP Micro Mentoring Program: Become a Mentor and Make a Difference

IEEE Computer Society Team
Published 05/29/2024
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SYP Micro MentoringAs a computer science and engineering professional, you understand the importance of mentorship in shaping the careers of young professionals and students. The SYP Micro Mentoring Program is a flagship initiative to foster mentorship within the IEEE Computer Society’s professional and academic community. We aim to connect students and young professionals with experienced mentors who can guide them in advancing their careers.


Why Mentorship Matters

Mentorship is more than just giving advice; it’s about sharing your journey, experiences, and insights to help the next generation of talent navigate their career paths. By becoming a mentor, you have the opportunity to:

  • Impact Lives: Provide guidance and support to young professionals and students, helping them to achieve their career goals.
  • Share Knowledge: Pass on your expertise and knowledge to those eager to learn and grow in their careers.
  • Build Connections: Expand your professional network by connecting with other mentors and mentees within the greater IEEE community.
  • Develop Skills: Enhance your leadership, communication, and coaching skills through mentoring.


Who Can Be a Mentor?

We call on young professionals and academicians with at least one year of work experience in the industry or academia to join our program as mentors. Whether you are a first-time mentor or a seasoned professional, your participation is highly valued. This year, we are introducing tailored sessions to support first-time mentors, ensuring you have the tools and confidence to embark on your mentoring journey.


How to Get Involved

  1. Visit Our Portal: Explore our program’s benefits and opportunities by visiting the IEEE CS SYP Micro Mentoring program. Here, you will find detailed information about the program and how it works.
  2. Sign Up as a Mentor: The registration process is straightforward and typically takes 5-7 minutes. During registration, we gather comprehensive information to better understand your background and how you can best contribute as a mentor. Register your interest.
  3. Spread the Word: Help us drive registrations by sharing this opportunity within your professional circles. Encourage your colleagues and peers to sign up and make a difference.


Key Dates and Contact Information

  • Deadline to Sign Up: 8th June 2024, 23:59 CET
  • Contact Us: If you have any questions or require further information, please email us at


Additional Resources



Mentoring is a powerful way to give back to the community and support the development of future professionals in the field of computer science. By joining the IEEE CS SYP Micro Mentoring Program, you can significantly impact the careers of young professionals and students.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the growth of our community. Sign up today and become a mentor!