Call for Participation: Workshop on Blockchain Technologies for Trustworthy Decentralized AI Ecosystems

22 - 25 August 2022 | Espoo, Finland
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Submissions Due: 7 April 2022

About the Workshop

The massively growing distributed systems, pervasive communication networks, and high bandwidth technologies are key enablers of large-scale distributed artificial intelligence systems. Currently various distributed AI systems such as centralized, decentralized, networked, hierarchical, spatiotemporal, and context-aware etc. had been introduced. However, the distribution and heterogeneity of data sources and computational infrastructures, and the skills sets are key bottlenecks in the design of reliable, dependable, and trustworthy AI systems. Alternately, Blockchain technology is gaining traction across a wide spectrum of industries and application areas. Similarly, it is impacting AI ecosystems. However, both technology paradigms differentiate in terms of deterministic and not-deterministic behaviors. For example, blockchain primarily operates in a strictly deterministic manner (thanks to consensus models, hashing and cryptographic signatures), however, AI algorithms primarily determine output based on probabilistic and inexact operations. These fundamental contradictions pose a serious challenge to integrate both technology domains. This workshop seeks theoretical, mathematical, and experimental contributions on both frontiers.
Best Paper Certificate will be endorsed by IEEE UK & Ireland Section’s Blockchain and Industrial Application Chapters.

Authors of Accepted Papers will be invited to submit the extended version of their papers in Springer’s Journal on Cognitive Computations (Q1, Impact Factor: 5.418)

Important Dates:

  • Paper submission: April 07, 2022
  • Paper acceptance notification: June 10, 2022
  • Camera ready: June 25, 2022
  • Conference date: August 22-25, 2022