Grants for Emerging Technology Activities
Submit your proposal for a new Computer Society activity and get up to US $50,000 in funding by 14 April 2025.

Have an idea that helps connect emerging technologies or applications with the computing community? Or a way to support members and constituents using emerging technologies to benefit humanity? Submit your proposal for a new project, program, or innovative activity, and be considered for funding from The IEEE Computer Society through the Emerging Tech Grants Program.
In the last couple of years, the IEEE Computer Society has funded several proposals, including a lecture program, a discussion forum on an emerging topic, and an advanced technology television series.
Computer Society is looking for new types of projects, activities, and events that are not already covered by existing program areas.
- Have an idea around the next coolest technology out there?
- Are you ready to experiment with an out of the box idea?
- Do you have an innovative concept to convene a community around a new emerging technology?
- Have an idea to advance a concept from either the IEEE Future Directions Roadmap or IEEE CS Technology Trends?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions or if you have an idea for an activity focused on an emerging technology, don’t miss this chance to make it a reality!
For more information, please read the frequently asked questions below. The submission deadline is 14 April 2025.
Proposal Template
Submitter Name, Title, Affiliation, Email Address, and Country
IEEE Membership Number (at least one member of the proposal team should be an IEEE or IEEE CS member)
Project/Activity/Event Title
Project/Activity/Event Description (limited to 50 words)
Total funds requested (seeking proposals ranging from US $5,000 to US $25,000 but larger projects/activities will also be considered)
Project/Activity/Event Budget Breakdown (identify major expenditures)
Plan for Fund Management – Please indicate whether funds will be managed by University, IEEE Section/Chapter or other. (limited to 250 words)
Key Objectives (e.g., please indicate the emerging technology addressed, comment on impact, consider the full lifecycle and long-term sustainability if applicable), Milestones, and Timeline (limit to 250 words)
Expected results in 2-5 key measurements (identify top goals and how they will be measured) (limited to 100 words)
Lead Team Members with Short Biographies (limit to 5 individuals) (limit to 500 words)
Potential connection to existing CS programs and/or products (identify any existing programs with which this proposal is connected) (if applicable; limited to 50 words)
A final impact report and video will be required from all funded projects and activities.
[ ] I acknowledge and agree to initiate discussions no later than three weeks after proposal award notification.
[ ] If agreements are not able to be established within three months, I acknowledge that the proposal may be withdrawn.
[ ] I acknowledge and agree to create a video and impact report.
- African Computer Vision Summer School (ACVSS)
- ASTRA 2024
- Critical and Emerging Technologies Summit
- Workshop Series on Emerging Human-Computer Interaction: Applying Affect, Cognition, and Mixed-Reality
- Code Chronicles: A Virtual Museum of Programming Languages
- GEN-AI Designed Fashion Show
Major awards (grants over $30,000):
- AI Perceptions Workshop Series
- Metaverse Hackathon
- Cybersecurity Capture the Flag (CTF) Event
- Digital Platforms and Societal Harms Tech Forum
Minor awards (grants up to $5,000):
- Be Cyber Smart CyberTron
- Business Plan Competition
- “Hack the CS2023” Television Series
- Research Network for Quantum Artificial Intelligence
- XR Ethics in Action Newsletter and Community Hackathon
- IEEE Quarter Tech Talk Table Series
- Technology against Tornado (TaT) Student Competition and Expo
- A Research Network for Quantum Machine Intelligence
- IEEE CS Young Professional Lecture Program 2022
- A Hardware Security Hackathon for Region 2
- Cooperative Human-Robot Swarm Computation
- Economies of Scale for FPGA Education
- Annual Competition on Emerging Issues of Data Security and Privacy
- Extending Education with Extended Reality in Egypt
What is considered an emerging technology?
Emerging technologies, in the context of this call for proposals, is a technical field that is not yet (or not adequately) addressed by existing work within the society.
- A new technology not currently addressed by Computer Society activities with promising benefits for applicability and impact;
- A technology addressed by Computer Society activities, but which would benefit from activities that address additional aspects not currently covered, such as societal impact, ethics, or security;
- An application of a new or existing technology addressed by Computer Society activities to a new domain, field, or vertical market, such as healthcare or automotive systems.
Proposals should clearly articulate why the activity fills a compelling gap, explores a new technology area or helps introduce an innovative activity for the Computer Society. The scope or budget may be asked to be modified by the selection committee to meet objectives of this program.
What types of activities can be proposed?
We are looking for new types of activities that are not already covered by the Computer Society. Creative, innovative ideas are encouraged.
Can I submit a proposal for a new conference or publication?
No. There are already mechanisms at the Computer Society to propose new conferences and publications.
For proposing new conferences, review the list of Computer Society Technical Communities (TCs), look for the one with the closest affinity to the proposal, and contact the TC Chair directly. They will walk you through the application process for new conferences. You can also view the list of existing and upcoming CS Sponsored Conferences at:
For proposing new publications, contact the Computer Society Publications department at
What is the range of funding available?
Proposals ranging from US $5,000 to US $25,000 will be considered. Larger proposals, up to a maximum of US $50,000, will be considered, but only one or two of these may be awarded.
Are there terms, restrictions, and conditions related to the awarded funding?
All awarded funds should be used within 12-18 months. Unused funds will not be carried over to the next year unless an exception is approved by the selection committee due to extenuating circumstances.
All grant agreement information and materials must be submitted by the awardee within 30 days of receipt for the funding to be disbursed. Late materials or unresponsiveness may result in a retraction of the grant approval.
Can I include indirect costs in the proposed budget?
Indirect expenses related to facilities costs may be added to the budget but not compensation to an individual as the intent of these projects is for the execution of the proposal to be done by volunteers.
What are the expected deliverables at the end of a funded program?
A final impact report and video is expected from all funded projects and activities. More details about the deliverables will be communicated to proposal teams selected for funding.
What are the criteria for evaluation?
Proposals will be evaluated for innovation/creativity, impact on target audience, potential to impact the future of the Society and/or Humanity and/or Computer Society members and customers, relevance to computing and alignment with emerging technology funding program goals detailed above.
What could make your project more successful?
Do you anticipate longer-term impact & do you see any potential follow-on in future years? If you anticipate follow-on, what do you anticipate for support in the future?
What happens if we charge for participation in the proposed activity and end up with a surplus?
Proposals will be executed as Computer Society activities; therefore, any surplus will be part of the overall Computer Society budget.
Can we make our activity open to non-Computer Society members?
Yes. Activities in which non-Computer Society members can participate may be good visibility for the Society and serve the larger community.
Do all the members of the proposal team need to be Computer Society members?
One member of the proposal team must be an IEEE or IEEE CS member. We encourage team members listed in the proposal to be Computer Society members.