Outstanding Chapter Award

Recognizing chapters for delivering a world class membership experience.
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What is the Outstanding Chapter Award?

The IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Chapter Award is designed to recognize the Computer Society professional section chapter and student branch chapter that are judged as having provided their membership with the best overall membership experience.


Chapters are judged based on success in the following four categories:

1.    Technical Activities
2.    Societal Activities
3.    Membership Advancement (student to professional and senior member), Fellow Nominations and Awards
4.    Increases in the number of Computer Society members.

The Award

US $1,000 cash prize to be used to sponsor chapter activities and an Outstanding Chapters Award certificate,


Submission deadline: 30 December (see requirements).


The award allows large and small chapters to compete on an equal basis. The following are requirements for competing:

  1. Submit a detailed list of Chapter activities in the following areas:
    a. Service to members in the technical area (technical meetings, tutorials, education, etc.);
    b. Service to members in the societal area (involvement in non-technical society activities; volunteer activity in CS public affairs, Section activities, or work with the local membership);
    c. Promotion of membership advancement, Fellow nominations, and IEEE awards; and
  2.  Number of IEEE CS Chapter Members in the previous and current years.
  3. Total application should not exceed 3 pages (no less than then 10pt font).
  4. Chapters who have won the outstanding chapter award for the three preceding years are not eligible.

Judging Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by the IEEE Computer Society Membership and Geographic Awards Committee and judged by fulfilling the requirements listed above.

Application Process

Please click here to apply by 30 December.

Past Recipients

Click here to see past recipients