CLOSED: Call for Contributions: 1st IEEE RAS in Data Centers Summit

11 - 12 June 2024 | Santa Clara, CA, USA
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Submissions Due: 7 March 2024

Important Dates

  • Submissions Deadline: 7 March 2024
  • Final Submissions Due: 10 May 2024
  • Event Date: 11 – 12 June 2024


View Call for Contributions (PDF)


About the Event

“RAS in the Data Center” is an international premier event that brings together academic researchers and industry technology leaders to share their vision and thought-leadership on the toughest Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) challenges facing the data center market now and in the future.

The summit will take place in Santa Clara, California and is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society in coordination with the Test Technology Technical Community (TTTC).

We accept initial contributions in the form of a 1-page abstract. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a committee of renowned experts in the field and will be shortlisted. Authors of each shortlisted abstract are required to attend the workshop in-person to for an oral presentation.

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For this first inaugural edition of the summit, in addition to Presentations, Keynotes, Panels and Invited Tutorials, the event will also feature demos from the industry, as well as presentations in the area of server RAS.

The areas of interest include the following topics:

  • Reliability Challenges and Mitigations to meet in-field requirements
  • Availability Considerations to meet MTBF requirements
  • Serviceability requirements for Mean Time To Repair and Preventative Maintenance Compliance
  • Silent Data Corruption – mitigating effects at scale
  • Emerging RAS Trends and Architectures
  • Measuring resilience in AI Systems

The RAS in Data Centers Summit Committee

Contact the co-chairs for further information and questions: