KISTI has provided Korean factual information through the web since 1994. There are over 25 databases such as biodiversity related data, inherent-domestic information such as domestic mine data, and specialized data including chemical product/safety and thermophysical property of KS material. These databases are classified into three categories of life science, earth science and industry. VR Panorama based cyber science museum has been constructed using several DBs from the area of life science and earth science and is open to public including professionals and researchers. The museum applies Real and 3D rendering image based VR Panorama, VR Object Format and Interactive Virtual Reality to experience the cyber space. The cyber science museum consists of 5 pavilions in the following 20 themes; Biodiversity pavilion (freshwater fish, coastal fish, mushrooms, insects, domestic plant, indigenous plant, seeds, birds), Fossil pavilion (Korean fossil, fossil animation, period classification), Shellfish pavilion (Korean, World, Rare), Astronomy pavilion (ancient, virtual solar system) and Agriculture pavilion.