2007 37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference - Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports
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The Lummi tribal school (a native american school) teaches grades K-12. The Lummi tribe has less of a presence in colleges today than they would like and are working to change this. As part of this effort, the Western Washington University Engineering Technology Department and the middle school science students at the Lummi school have teamed up to benefit both sets of students. Western Washington University's Engineering Technology Department is providing facilities and college students to mentor small groups of Lummi middle school students in creating an underwater remote operated vehicle to take to a local competition. The goal of this collaboration is to encourage the Lummi students to pursue science and engineering fields as well as to give them exposure to a college environment. The college students gain project management, teaming, and leadership skills that will help them with their future pursuits in industry.
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