2024 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
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This research paper considers the integration of Reeves' autonomy supportive teaching scale (ASTS) as an ob-servation tool for problem based learning (PBL). The work is motivated by our interest in understanding the nature of effective facilitation in PBL settings, a recognized challenge of PBL implementation. We report on our efforts to use ASTS to characterize instructor-student interaction that balances the need for student autonomy inherent to PBL with the learning outcomes that an instructor seeks. Four members of a research used a modified version of the ASTS to analyze classroom recordings from an introductory aerospace engineering course. We considered interactions between the facilitator and students that occurred at the level of whole-class and individual group. We report on three representative cases that highlight challenges in the use of ASTS in practice. We found that using the ASTS to evaluate autonomy in the PBL classroom supports productive conversations within the research team that allowed for deliberation on several topics relevant to PBL in undergraduate engineering. This work has implications for understanding the role of discourse in supporting student autonomy within PBL classrooms. Specifically, the method and tool for assessing PBL facilitation might be adopted by educators to guide and help instructors understand how to effectively facilitate PBL problems in the classroom and find balance between student autonomy and instructor directed action.
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