2004 International Conferce on Test
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A primary goal of ITC is to present the highest quality technical program to its attendees. A key element in attaining this goal is the evaluation and selection process developed by the ITC Program Committee. In this process, the committee must meet two requirements: evaluate papersubmissions on merit as determined by thorough, accurate, fair and impartial peer reviews; and then, select those high-quality submissions that fit the needs of the program. All technical papers presented at International Test Conference and published in the ITC Proceedings undergo this process. Instructions for submitting proposals, including requirements and deadlines, are published in the Call-for-Papers each year. Aware that many prospective authors can't commit the time required to prepare a complete paper before knowing it will be accepted, ITC accepts paper proposals as well as complete papers. However, paper proposals must contain sufficient informatiop for a thorough review. The ProgramChairreviewsalisubmissions to determine topicareasand submits them to appropriate Topic Coordinators, who coordinate the reviews. Selectionofpapersfor ITC ishighly mnpetitive. Typically, onlyabout onehird of submissions are selected, so iuthors should assure that their subnissions meet all of ITC's requirenents and areofthe highest possible quality.
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