In this demo paper, we design and prototype RhythmEdge [1], a low-cost, deep-learning-based contact-less system for regular HR monitoring applications. RhythmEdge benefits over existing approaches by facilitating contact-less nature, real-time/offline operation, inexpensive and available sensing components, and computing devices. Our RhythmEdge system is portable and easily deployable for reliable HR estimation in moderately controlled indoor or outdoor environments. RhythmEdge measures HR via detecting changes in blood volume from facial videos (Remote Photoplethysmography; rPPG) and provides instant assessment using off-the-shelf commercially available resource-constrained edge platforms and video cameras. We demonstrate the scalability, flexibility, and compatibility of the RhythmEdge by deploying it on three resource-constrained platforms of differing architectures (NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Google Coral Development Board, Raspberry Pi) and three heterogeneous cameras of differing sensitivity, resolution, properties (web camera, action camera, and DSLR). RhythmEdge further stores longitudinal cardiovascular information and provides instant notification to the users. We thoroughly test the prototype stability, latency, and feasibility for three edge computing platforms by profiling their runtime, memory, and power usage.