17th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
Dec. 4 1996 to Dec. 6 1996
Washington D.C.
ISSN: 1052-8725
ISBN: 0-8186-7689-2
Table of Contents
Session 1: Scheduling I
Session 2: Experimental Systems and Applications
Session 2: Experimental Systems and Applications
Session 4: Synchronization
Session 6: Model and Tools
Session 6: Model and Tools
Session 7: Communications
Session 7: Communications
Session 7: Communications
Session 8: Scheduling II
Session 9: Databases
Session 10: Timing Analysis
Session 10: Timing Analysis
Session 10: Timing Analysis
Session 11: Resource Allocation and System Implementation
Session 11: Resource Allocation and System Implementation
Session 11: Resource Allocation and System Implementation