Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing seeks submissions for upcoming issues.
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Submissions Due: Ongoing

About IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) is dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud computing. It is committed to the publication of articles that present innovative research ideas, application results, and case studies in cloud computing, focusing on key technical issues related to theory, algorithms, systems, applications, and performance.

Scope of Interest

The transactions specifically considers submissions in the areas of:

  • virtualization and container technologies
  • resource management and optimization in the cloud
  • software-defined systems
  • cloud-based big data management and analytics
  • cloud programming models and tools
  • cloud security and privacy
  • cloud interoperability and integration
  • energy management in cloud datacenters
  • datacenter networking, mobile cloud computing
  • service lifecycle management
  • cloud performance and dependability
  • business support and operational support systems
  • cloud computing regulations and compliance
  • cloud economics

This title also considers submissions on X as a Service, where X may be Infrastructure, Storage, Network, Platform, Database, Information, Security, Management, Software, Mobile Backend, or Business Process.

Submission Instructions:

This journal is a hybrid publication, allowing either traditional manuscript submission or author-paid Open Access (OA) manuscript submission. Read about OA submissions here.

All inquiries on the status of submitted manuscripts should be directed to

TCC encourages submissions of papers that present new, original, and innovative ideas for the first time. The submission of an “extended version” of an already published conference or workshop paper is allowed, provided that (1) the extended version contains substantial (at least 35%) additional technical material; and (2) the authors have ensured that any copyright commitments they have made outside the IEEE are not violated by the eventual publication in TCC.

When submitting an extended version, the authors should (1) acknowledge the earlier paper in ScholarOne Manuscripts at the time of submission; (2) include a cover letter summarizing the differences between the TCC submission and the earlier paper; (3) use a different title to both reflect the broader journal contribution and to avoid confusion in the archival record; and (4) cite the earlier paper in the TCC paper with a statement such as “A preliminary version of this paper appears as …”. Failure to follow the above instructions will result in the submission being “desk” rejected without any reviews.

For author information and guidelines on submission criteria, please visit IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing Information page.



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