This TSC taxonomy was generated collectively by the editorial board in 2013 and is evolved from the ACM taxonomy on service computing. All submissions can use either this taxonomy or continue to use the version available in ScholarOne Manuscripts.


M. Services Computing

M.0 General

M.1 Service-oriented business models

M.1.0.a Service contracts
M.1.0.b Service-level agreements
M.1.0.c Servitization
M.1.0.d Key performance indicators for business processes

M.2 Service science

M.2.0.a Science of service discovery
M.2.0.b Science of service composition
M.2.0.c Science of service quality metrics

M.3 Human-centric aspects

M.3.0.a Information architecture
M.3.0.b Personalization
M.3.0.c Human computation
M.3.0.d Crowdsourcing
M.3.0.e Visualization

M.4 Standards

M.4.0.a Transport
M.4.0.b Messaging
M.4.0.c Description
M.4.0.d Publishing and discovery
M.4.0.e Interface and composition
M.4.0.f Quality of service
M.4.0.g Application-specific standards

M.5 Solution lifecycle and governance

M.5.0 General
M.5.0.a Business transformation
M.5.0.b Business intelligence
M.5.0.c Business process modeling
M.5.0.d Business process management
M.5.0.e Business process reengineering
M.5.0.f Business aspect
M.5.0.f .1 Service design and engineering
M.5.0.f .2 Service engagement
M.5.0.f .3 Service delivery
M.5.0.f .4 Service operation
M.5.0.f .5 Service billing
M.5.0.f .6 Service management
M.5.0.g.1 Methodology

M.5.2 Service lifecycle
M.5.2.a  Modeling
M.5.2.b Development
M.5.2.c Deployment
M.5.2.d Publishing
M.5.2.e Discovery
M.5.2.f Invocation
M.5.2.g Collaboration
M.5.2.g.1 Composition
M.5.2.g.2 Interaction
M.5.2.h Ranking
M.5.2.i Testing

M.6 Consulting and strategic planning

M.6.0.a Balanced scorecard and strategy map
M.6.0.b Gap analysis
M.6.0.c Initiatives identification
M.6.0.d Value-chain analysis
M.6.0.e Business-case analysis
M.6.0.f Portfolio analysis
M.6.0.g Transition planning
M.6.0.h Project management and collaboration

M.7.0 Governance

M.7.0.a Organization modeling
M.7.0.b Contracts
M.7.0.c Norms and regulations
M.7.0.d Policies
M.7.0.e Data and metadata
M.7.0.f Compliance

M.7.1 Case Studies

M.8.0 Platforms

M.8.0.a Communication protocols
M.8.0.b Binding
M.8.0.c Collaboration and interoperation

M.8.1 Publishing and discovery
M.8.1.a Service registry
M.8.1.b Search publishing and discovery language
M.8.1.c Service publishing and discovery engine
M.8.1.d Service publishing and discovery architecture
M.8.1.e Federated service discovery
M.8.1.f Semantic web services
M.8.1.g Service matchmaking

M.8.2 Programming techniques and environments
M.8.2.a Service metadata
M.8.2.b Service mashup and integration
M.8.2.c RESTful services
M.8.2.d Web 2.0 and Web x.0
M.8.2.e Integrated development environments

M.8.3 Enactment engines
M.8.3 a Orchestration and Workflows
M.8.3 b Choreography
M.8.3 c Business rules
M.8.3 d Analytics

M.8.4 Service engineering
M.8.4.a System virtualization
M.8.4.b N-tier architectures
M.8.4.c Data flow architecture
M.8.4.d Layered systems
M.8.4.e Client-Server architecture
M.8.4.f Peer to peer architecture
M.8.4.g Distributed and parallel computing architecture

M.8.5 Middleware
M.8.5.a Message-oriented middleware
M.8.5.a Publish-subscribe and even-based architectures

M.8.6 Infrastructure and system support
M.8.6.a Data
M.8.6.b Storage

M.8.7 Agents
M.8.7.a Intelligent service provisioning
M.8.7.b Adaptation
M.8.7.c Machine learning

M.8.8 Cloud computing
M.8.8.a Software as service (SaaS)
M.8.8.b Platforms as service (PaaS)
M.8.8.c Infrastructure as service (IaaS)
M.8.8.d Service brokerage

M.9.0 Architecture

M.9.0.a Operational model
M.9.0.b Realization
M.9.0.c Service-oriented architecture

M.9.1 Bridging business and IT
M.9.1.a IT architectures
M.9.1.b IT governance

M.9.2 Enterprise architecture
M.9.2.a Enterprise architecture modeling
M.9.2.b Enterprise architecture management
M.9.2.c Enterprise architecture frameworks
M.9.2.d Enterprise interoperability
M.9.2.d.1 Enterprise application integration
M.9.2.d.2 Information integration and interoperability
M.9.2.d.3 Enterprise data management

M.9.3 Model-driven architecture
M.9.3.a Enterprise service bus
M.9.3.b DODAF
M.9.3.c MODAF
M.9.3.d TOGAF

M.9.4 Solution referenced architectures
M.9.4.a Architecture overview diagram
M.9.4.b User interaction and presentation
M.9.4.c Processes
M.9.4.d Services
M.9.4.e Service components
M.9.4.f Operational systems
M.9.4.g Integration
M.9.4.h Quality of service
M.9.4.i Service testing and assurance
M.9.4.j Data architecture

M.10 Collaboration

M.10.0 General
M.10.0.a Business process modeling and management
M.10.0.b Cross-organizational business processes
M.10.0.c Multiparty service engagements
M.10.0.d Service cloud and ecosystems

M.10.1 Contracts
M.10.1.a Modeling and specification
M.10.1.b Mining
M.10.1.c Analysis
M.10.1.d Negotiation
M.10.1.e Portfolio Analysis Resolution
M.10.1.f Service level agreement

M.10.2 Value chain
M.10.2.a Extended business collaboration model
M.10.2.b Annotated business hyperchain
M.10.2.c Collaboration constructs
M.10.2.d Collaboration exchanges

M.10.3 Business protocols and choreographies
M.10.3.a Conversation modeling
M.10.3.b Process modeling
M.10.3.c Semantics of business protocols
M.10.3.c.1 Refinement
M.10.3.c.2 Composition
M.10.3.c.3 Commitment-based protocols
M.10.3.c.4 Information-based protocols
M.10.3.c.5 Patterns
M.10.3.d Enactment
M.10.3.d.1 Enactability
M.10.3.d.2 Decentralization
M.10.3.d.3 Monitoring

M.11 Cross-cutting considerations

M.11.0 General
M.11.0.a Assurance
M.11.0.b QoS
M.11.0.c Optimization

M.11.1 Design science
M.11.1.a Modeling
M.11.1.b Simulation
M.11.1.c Research methodology
M.11.1.d Empirical studies

M.11.2 Interoperability
M.11.2.a Scalability
M.11.2.b Availability
M.11.2.c Extensibility

M.11.3 Dependability
M.11.3.b Validation and verification

M.11.4 Analytics
M.11.4.a Asset-based Services Model
M.11.4.b Text mining
M.11.4.c Process mining
M.11.4.d Business intelligence
M.11.4.e Process intelligence

M.12 Formal methods

M.12.0 General
M.12.0.a General
M.12.0.b Applications Model checking
M.12.0.c Theorem proving
M.12.0.d Probabilistic reasoning
M.12.0.e Statistical analysis
M.12.0.f Information network analysis

M.12.1 Context
M.12.1.a Representation
M.12.1.b Model Reasoning about context

M.12.2 Trust
M.12.2.a Service matchmaking
M.12.2.b Service referrals
M.12.2.c Reputation
M.12.2.d Recommendation

M.12.3 Security and privacy
M.12.3.a Authentication
M.12.3.b Access control
M.12.3.c Data collection
M.12.3.d Data transformation
M.12.3.e Data dissemination
M.12.3.f Licensing
M.12.3.g Auditing

M.12.4 Complementary paradigms
M.12.4.a Big data technology
M.12.4.b Ubiquitous mobile computing
M.12.4.c Cyber-physical systems
M.12.4.d Sociotechnical system
M.12.4.e Social media and social computing
M.12.4.f Internet of Things
M.12.4.g Scientific computing

The full ACM taxonomy list can be found here.