Final submissions due: CLOSED
Publication date: March/April 2020
Throughout human history, visual representation has been used to document and convey information. The power of visual communication is underlined by its extensive use in learning and communication in schools and in public spaces such as science centers and museums. Traditionally, visual representations in public spaces have been in the form of static images or linear media. More recently, interactive visualization is emerging as a powerful new tool in learning and communication. This trend is based on the development of hardware and methodology, as well as availability of data. Traditionally there has also been a distinction between explanatory visualization and exploratory visualization, but we are now seeing a confluence of the two paradigms opening new possibilities for engaging installations in public spaces and live programming in visualization theaters. Many of these installations and programs have, however, not been documented in the form of scientific papers. For this special issue we are thus soliciting papers describing work based on visualization in public spaces from both a technology and methodology perspective.
More specifically, we are looking for contributions on the following topics in the context of public spaces:
- Data-driven and non-linear storytelling
- Use of immersive environments
- Natural and multimodal Interaction
- Use of tangible interfaces
- Evaluation methods and user studies
- Platforms, Libraries and toolkits
- Success stories and applications
The special issue welcomes general submissions on any of the above or closely related topics in the wider context of visualization in public spaces. We encourage original submissions, i.e. those that have not been previously (in any form) submitted and/or published in other venues. Outstanding contributions that significantly extend existing work previously published in other venues will be considered, provided they contribute at least 50% new original work. Authors of such major added-value extensions will have to cite the original work and clearly identify the new content extending the original contribution.
Submission guidelines
Nondepartment articles submitted to IEEE CG&A should not exceed 8,000 words, including the main text, abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and table text, where a page is approximately 800 words. Articles should include no more than 10 figures or images. Each 1/4 page figure, image, and table counts for approx. 200 words. Note that all tables, images, and illustrations must be appropriately scaled and legible; larger elements should be accounted for accordingly with respect to word count. Please limit the number of references to the most relevant and ensure to delineate your work from relevant past articles in CG&A. Furthermore, avoid an excessive number of references to published work that might only be marginally relevant. Visit the CG&A style, length, and supplemental guidelines at
Please submit your paper using the manuscript submission service at When uploading your paper, select the appropriate special issue title under the category “Manuscript Type.” Also, include complete contact information for all authors. If you have any questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review coordinator at
Please direct any pre-submission correspondence to the guest editors at
Anders Ynnerman, Linköping University,
Charles D. Hansen, University of Utah,
Ingrid Hotz, Linköping University,