About IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) bridges the theory and practice of computer graphics topics, including modeling, rendering, animation, (data) visualization, HCI/user interfaces, novel applications, hardware architectures, haptics, and virtual- and augmented-reality systems.
From specific algorithms to full system implementations, CG&A offers a unique combination of peer-reviewed feature articles and informal departments. Theme issues guest edited by leading researchers in their fields track the latest developments and trends in computer-generated graphical content, while tutorials and surveys provide a broad overview of interesting and timely topics. Regular departments further explore the core areas of graphics as well as extend into topics such as usability, education, history, and opinion. Each issue, the story of our cover focuses on creative applications of the technology by an artist or designer. Published six times a year, CG&A is indispensable reading for people working at the leading edge of computer-generated graphics technology and its applications in everything from business to the arts.
Submission Guidelines
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) submissions must fit the main focus areas of the magazine. We seek articles meant for a broad audience of both academics and practitioners. We welcome interdisciplinary as well as constructive contributions to ongoing discussions on today’s challenges in academia, business, and our daily lives. The spectrum of topics and works may span:
- specific algorithms to full system descriptions
- design, case, and evaluation studies
- societal challenges and mitigating CG-rooted approaches
- future and emerging technologies
- innovative applications of computer graphics or visual computing techniques
There are several options for contributing content to CG&A. You can write:
1. Peer-reviewed research papers (For submission instructions, please read the section below.)
- Regular papers can be submitted at any time and are published as feature articles.
- Special-issue papers are submitted to open calls for papers and are published as theme articles.
2. Department articles, which can be shorter research papers, tutorials, surveys, position statements, or viewpoint articles. Department articles are submitted to a specific CG&A departmen/publications/author-t and are reviewed by the department editor(s). They are not peer-reviewed. An overview of departments, their editors, and information on how to submit can be found here: CG&A Department Guidelines.
Additionally, you can propose a special issue by following the instructions here.
Important Submission Instructions:
As of 18 Decemeber 2024, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications will use the IEEE Author Portal for all new submissions.
- If you have not yet started the submission process, please use the IEEE Author Portal to submit your article.
- If you have started a draft of your submission OR if you submitted your paper prior to the IEEE Author Portal launch, you will finish the peer review life cycle of submission(s) currently under review through https://ieee.atyponrex.com/journal/sw-cs. You do not need to submit a new manuscript. All new and future submissions will be submitted entirely through the IEEE Author Portal.
Please be sure to select the special issue or special section name when you submit your article. Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended for review, not abstracts. If requested, abstracts should be sent by email to the guest editors directly.
Contact the guest editors at cga4-2025@computer.org.