AI's 10 to Watch
IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE's first AI publication, to honor the rising stars of AI
About AI's 10 to Watch
To promote the community of AI researchers and their work, IEEE Intelligent Systems celebrates 10 AI scientists via its biennial “AI’s 10 to Watch” special section. Since 2006, we have called for nominations from all subfields of AI so that we may select rising stars and honor them on the pages of the magazine.
In 2006, as “we enter(ed) the second 50 years of AI’s history,” the IEEE Intelligent Systems editors noted in the May/June issue that there were many aspects of AI systems that were still unknown – “whether such systems would be based on mathematics or biological models, or learned or engineered.” They created the 10 to Watch as a way to honor the promise and early accomplishments of new AI researchers as they took on these pivotal questions and challenges.
Previous Awardees
The complete information on previous nominees can be found in the article links below:
Kai-Wei Chang, Simon S. Du, Bo Han, Lingjuan Lyu, Shirui Pan, Xiaojuan Qi, Sarath Sreedharan, Xinchao Wang, Jiajun Wu, and Junchi Yan.
Bo Li, Tongliang Liu, Liqiang Nie, Soujanya Poria, Deqing Sun, Yizhou Sun, Jiliang Tang, Zhangyang “Atlas” Wang, Hongzhi Yin, and Liang Zheng.
Tathagata Chakraborti, John Dickerson, Fei Fang, Song Han, Kuldeep Meel, Nisarg Shah, William Wang, Martha White, Diyi Yang, and Hanwang Zhang.
Bo An, Erik Cambria, Yoav Goldberg, Akshat Kumar, Wei Liu, Cynthia Matuszek, Sinno J. Pan, B. Aditya Prakash, Maria Vanina Martinez, and Yang Yu.
Haris Aziz, Elias Bareinboim, Yejin Choi, Daniel Hsu, Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Reshef Meir, Suchi Saria, Gerardo I. Simari, Lirong Xia, and William Yeoh.
Nora Ayanian, Finale Doshi-Velez, Heng Ji, Brad Knox, Honglak Lee, Nina Narodytska, Ariel Procaccia, Stefanie Tellex, Jun Zhu, and Aviv Zohar.
Yiling Chen, Vincent Conitzer, Matthieu d’Aquin, Kristen Grauman, Tom Heath, Jure Leskovec, Daniel B. Neill, Andre Platzer, Talal Rahwan, and Liwei Wang.
Philipp Cimiano, Dmitri Dolgov, Anat Levin, Peter Mika, Brian Milch, Louis-Philippe Morency, Boris Motik, Jennifer Neville, Erik Sudderth, and Luis von Ahn.
Eyal Amir, Regina Barzilay, Jennifer Golbeck, Tom Griffiths, Steve Gustafson, Carsten Lutz, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Marta Sabou, and Richard A. Watson.