Artificial intelligence has been widely applied in various fields and has spawned many intelligent systems and applications, such as intelligent vehicles, smart recommender systems, smart cities, intelligent healthcare systems, and intelligent agricultural systems. Although there has been some excellent progress in the development of these intelligent systems over the past decade, the ignored problems of data quality and data security in intelligent systems will be important challenges for the future. How should we obtain the data needed for intelligent systems in data-sensitive or data-poor areas? Maybe data augmentation or data generation is a potential solution, but data distribution and data quality should be taken seriously, especially in the face of distribution differences in many practical applications. Data security concerns the privacy, economy, and stability of intelligent systems, such as Internet of Things communication security in industrial intelligent systems, decision-making in unmanned intelligent vehicles, and patient privacy in intelligent healthcare systems.
This special issue seeks novel studies to explore the developments and challenges of data-driven intelligent systems in various fields. Topics of interest include:
- Environment awareness of data-driven intelligent vehicles
- Network and communication security of intelligent vehicles
- Reinforcement learning for intelligent recommender systems
- Data security and privacy of intelligent recommender systems
- Path planning and control for intelligent underwater devices
- Data quality and security of intelligent healthcare systems
- Data-driven methods and frameworks for intelligent farming
- Cooperation and control of intelligent multi-robotic systems
- Data mining and quality assessment for intelligent systems
Important Dates
Submissions due: 31 December 2022
Preliminary notification: 15 March 2023
Revisions due: 15 April 2023
Final notification: 15 May 2023
Final version due: 30 May 2023
Publication: September/October 2023
Submission Guidelines
For author information and guidelines on submission criteria, please visit the IS Author Information page. Please submit papers through the ScholarOne system, and be sure to select the special-issue name. Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended for review, not abstracts, to the ScholarOne portal.
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Guest Editors
Jiachen Yang (lead guest editor), Tianjin University, China
Houbing Song, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Qinggang Meng, Loughborough University, UK