CLOSED Call for Papers: Special Issue on Quantum and Post-Moore’s Law Computing

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Submissions Due: 01 July 2021

The past 40 years witnessed a golden age of computing power improvement predicted by Gordon Moore and colloquially referred to as Moore’s Law. Yet, as we reach the limit of Moore’s Law, new computational tools and systems must be developed. Current exemplars include, but are not limited to, quantum computing.

As a new computing paradigm, quantum computing has promised unprecedented computational ability to tackle classically intractable problems, ranging from encryption and cybersecurity systems, to the simulation of quantum systems, to combinatorial optimization and machine learning. Quantum hardware also progressed considerably in the past few years. Several multi-qubit quantum devices, utilizing a variety of underlying technologies, have been devised. These include both publicly available and private systems with over 50 qubits. However, movement toward the ultimate goal of a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer will require innovation and refinement from both software and hardware research and engineering in order to harness these Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices.

This special issue seeks papers in all areas related to quantum and post-Moore’s Law computing, including application, programming language, compiler optimization, hardware architecture design, and simulation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Simulation of quantum algorithms and systems
  • Design of quantum architectures and quantum circuits
  • Quantum programming languages and compiler optimization
  • Verification, debugging, and testing of quantum computing systems
  • Development of both theoretical and practical approaches to fault tolerance and error mitigation
  • Other post-Moore’s Law computing technologies, such as biological computation and neuromorphic computing


Important Dates

Paper submissions due: 1 July 2021
First-round review due: 13 August 2021
Revision due: 10 October 2021
Final decision notification: 19 November 2021
Camera-ready submission due: 30 November 2021
Publication: January/February 2022


Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be original manuscripts of fewer than 5,000 words. All manuscripts are subject to peer review on both technical merit and relevance to IEEE Internet Computing’s international readership–primarily practicing engineers and academics who are looking for material that introduces new technology and broadens familiarity with current topics. We do not accept white papers, and papers that are primarily theoretical or mathematical must clearly relate the mathematical content to a real-life or engineering application. Please read the author instructions here. To submit a manuscript, create or access an account on ScholarOne.


Guest Editors

Contact the guest editor at

  • Yufei Ding, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
  • Ali Javadi, IBM