Call for Papers: IEEE Internet Computing

IEEE Internet Computing seeks submissions for upcoming issues.
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Submissions Due: Ongoing

About IEEE Internet Computing

IEEE Internet Computing provides journal-quality evaluation and review of emerging and maturing Internet technologies and applications. The magazine targets the technical and scientific Internet user communities as well as designers and developers of Internet-based applications and enabling technologies. IC publishes refereed articles on the latest developments and key trends in Internet technologies and applications.

A crossroads between academic researchers and software professionals, the magazine presents novel content from academic and industry experts on a wide range of topics, including applications, architectures, information management, middleware, policies, security, and standards. It applies theory to the practice of building Internet systems and feeds the experience of Internet system construction and use back into research and theory.

Topics of Interest

As the IEEE’s Internet publication, IC is widely available, both in print and in digital libraries, which makes it the premier place to publish novel scientific and engineering papers that have actual impact on the practice of system development.

Appropriate topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • programming, information, and e-commerce technologies for Internet applications;
  • network protocols, structures, and services;
  • security, reliability, manageability, and scalability in Internet application;
  • Internet application technologies, including streaming multimedia, collaboration, knowledge management, education, medicine, engineering  design, science, and games and entertainment;
  • human-interface issues for Internet systems; and
  • social effects/aspects of the Internet.

Submission Guidelines

For author information and guidelines on submission criteria, visit the Author’s Information page.

Important Submission Instructions:

As of 30 October 2024, IEEE Internet Computing will use the IEEE Author Portal for all new submissions.

  • If you have not yet started the submission process, please use the IEEE Author Portal to submit your article.
  • If you have started a draft of your submission OR if you submitted your paper prior to the IEEE Author Portal launch, you will finish the peer review life cycle of submission(s) currently under review through You do not need to submit a new manuscript. All new and future submissions will be submitted entirely through the IEEE Author Portal.


Editorial board and staff