CLOSED: Call for Papers: Special Issue on Serverless Computing

IEEE Internet Computing seeks submissions for this upcoming special issue.
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Submissions Due: 18 May 2024

Publication date: November/December 2024

Serverless Computing is a form of cloud computing that allows programmers to develop, run, and scale their applications without having to worry about infrastructure provisioning and management. By breaking an application into small standalone functions, Serverless Computing can offer several advantages such as high elasticity, cost efficiency, and ease of deployment. Serverless Computing has received significant attention in the past few years and has been adopted for a wide range of applications and infrastructures. Yet, Serverless Computing brings challenges and new opportunities in many aspects such as system architectures, scheduling, data sharing, energy, privacy, and adoptions for Machine Learning (ML) applications, etc.

The objective of this special issue is to enable researchers and practitioners to share their research results in the area of Serverless Computing. We encourage novel and high-quality contributions related to all aspects of Serverless Computing. The topics of interest in this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Programming frameworks for Serverless Computing
  • Open datasets of Serverless workloads
  • Serverless Computing in edge, fog, clouds and HPC systems
  • Serverless Computing for AI & Machine Learning applications & AI/ML for Serverless systems
  • Integrating Serverless and HPC applications
  • Serverless computing for supporting large scale data analytics
  • Stream data processing in Serverless environments  
  • Infrastructure optimizations for Serverless applications
  • Performance modeling and evaluation of Serverless applications
  • Benchmark Suites for Serverless Computing
  • Scheduling and resource provisioning in Serverless Computing
  • Data management in Serverless Computing
  • Storage and network solutions for Serverless Computing
  • Accelerators support for Serverless Computing
  • Energy-efficiency issues in Serverless Computing
  • Fault tolerance, reliability and resilience for Serverless Computing
  • Security and privacy issues in Serverless Computing

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Please follow the IEEE Internet Computing magazine’s submission guidelines for formatting and submission instructions. Each submission should not exceed 5000 words.

For more details and submission instructions, please visit the IEEE Internet Computing’s website


Contact the guest editors at

Guest Editors:

  • Olivier Beaumont, Inria Research Centre Bordeaux South West France, Talence, France
  • Xiaowen Chu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Guangzhou, China
  • Shadi Ibrahim, Inria centre at Rennes University, Rennes, France
  • Tania Lorido-Botran, Roblox, USA
  • Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK