Format: Asynchronous
Nominal duration: Self-paced Learning – Approximate Time: 6 hours
Professional Development Hours (PDH) : 6
Continuing Education Credits (CEU) : 0.6
Learning Objectives: Learning objectives for the Software Configuration Course.
1. Effectively Plan and Run an SCM Process considering specific organizational aspects in terms of people, product, project, cross-organizational, process, and tools.
2. Effectively identify and organize configuration items to be controlled with SCM, including labeling and version control.
3. Perform effective surveillance of SCM activities including software configuration auditing to evaluate the conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards, guidelines, plans, and procedures.
4. Manage software baselines.
5. Effectively manage changes during the software life cycle including deviations and waivers in software configuration control.
6. Record and report information needed for effective management of the software configuration. Effectively manage software releases and deliveries including versioning control.
7. Select and apply SCM Tools.