IEEE CS 2022 Election Voting

Published 08/08/2022
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LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 08 August 2022 – Voting for IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) approved slate of candidates for president-elect, first and second vice presidents, and Board of Governors members, begins today, 8 August and ends on 12 September 2022 at 12:00 PM EDT USA/16:00 UTC.

The IEEE Computer Society official voting site is Officers are elected to one-year terms and Board members to three-year terms, each beginning 1 January 2023. Candidate bios and position statements will be published in the August issue of Computer magazine, which is distributed to all IEEE CS members.

Candidates for the president-elect:

Jyotika Athavale and David Ebert will be on the ballot for 2023 president-elect and 2024 president. The president serves as the chief elected officer of the IEEE CS, representing the entire membership. Under the direction of the Board of Governors, the president provides direction for IEEE CS officers and Society programs and is responsible for the general supervision of the Society. The president serves one year as president-elect, one year as president, and one year as past president.

Jyotika Athavale is a Senior IEEE Member and experienced leader and influencer in emerging technologies and international standardization initiatives. Currently serving as Secretary and Distinguished Visitor of the Computer Society, Jyotika is a senior technical leader in automotive functional safety at NVIDIA and is driving capability development, safety architectures, and methodologies. Prior to NVIDIA, she was Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation where she led functional safety platform architecture for Automotive and Avionics.

David S. Ebert is an Associate Vice President for Research and Partnerships, the Gallogly Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Director of the Data Institute for Societal Challenges at the University of Oklahoma. He is an IEEE Fellow, an adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and Director of the Visual Analytics for Command Control and Interoperability Center (VACCINE), the Visualization Science team of the Department of Homeland Security’s Visual Analytics and Data Analytics Emeritus Center of Excellence.

View the president-elect candidates answering member questions in the 2022 Presidential Town Hall.

Candidates for the 2023 first vice president are Gregory T. Byrd and Hironori Washizaki.  

Gregory T. Byrd is a Professor and Associate Head in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. He teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in introductory programming, data structures, parallel architecture, and quantum computing. He received Outstanding Teaching Awards from both the ECE Department and the College of Engineering. He is a co-author of a graduate-level textbook, Principles of Superconducting Quantum Computers (2022). His research is in the areas of parallel computer architecture and quantum computing. A Senior Member of the IEEE and the Computer Society, Byrd currently serves as a CS representative to the IEEE Quantum Initiative and the Council on Superconductivity and serves as the general chair of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (IEEE QCE).

Hironori Washizaki is a Professor and the Associate Dean of the Research Promotion Division at Waseda University in Tokyo, and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics. He also works in industry as Outside Directors of SYSTEM INFORMATION and eXmotion. Hironori’s research interests include systems and software engineering. Hironori currently serves as Vice President for the Professional and Educational Activities Board (PEAB) of the IEEE CS (2 years). He has been on the CS Board of Governors since 2021. He was awarded Golden Core Member and Distinguished Contributor from IEEE CS. He is leading professional and educational activities, including the development of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), educational courses, and certification programs.

Candidates for the 2023 second vice president are Grace Lewis and Ramalatha Marimuthu.

Grace A. Lewis is a Principal Researcher at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where she conducts applied research on how software engineering and software architecture principles, practices, and tools need to evolve in the face of emerging technologies. She is the principal investigator for the Automating Mismatch Detection and Testing in Machine Learning Systems project that is developing toolsets to support these two activities, in addition to other projects that are advancing the state of the practice in software engineering for machine learning (SE4ML). She is currently VP of the IEEE Computer Society Technical & Conference Activities Board (T&C), Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Vice-Chair for the IEEE Computer Society Technical Community on Software Engineering (TCSE).

Ramalatha Marimuthu, Director, iExplore Foundation for Sustainable Development, is an on-ground researcher with a specialization in Embedded Systems and VLSI. She has led several research projects and published papers and collaborative articles on solutions for issues concerning marginalized groups. Through international collaboration with US and Japan universities, she established assistive technology teams working on projects solving issues faced by people with special needs. Her research in education methodologies led her to publish papers on project-based learning and its impact on career growth. She also leads the IEEE Youth Endeavours on Social Innovations through Sustainable Technology, inviting social innovations from 20 countries all over the world every year and thus rescaling the repeatable innovations to other communities.

The first and second vice presidents serve as franchised members of the Executive Committee, Board of Governors, and Planning Committee. The vice presidents may execute a portfolio as assigned by the president and provide counsel and assistance to the president and other volunteer leaders. In the event that the president and president-elect cannot serve, the line of succession falls to the first vice president, then to the second vice president.

Candidates for 2023–2025 terms for the IEEE CS Board of Governors:

The Board of Governors is responsible for providing policy-level guidance to all organizational entities within the Computer Society.   Members may vote for up to six for the Board of Governors position.  (Listed alphabetically)

  • İlkay Altıntaş , San Diego Supercomputer Center
  • Nils Achenbruck, Universität Osnabrück
  • Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, Universidad Católica San Pablo, Peru
  • Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick
  • Joaquim Jorge, University of Lisbon
  • Rick Kazman, University of Hawaii
  • Samee U. Khan, Mississippi State University
  • Shaoshan Liu, PerceptIn
  • Carolyn McGregor, Ontario Tech University
  • Andre Oboler, Online, Hate Prevention Institute
  • George K. Thiruvathukal, Loyola University Chicago

Voting Eligibility

All professional and graduate student IEEE CS members on record as of 8 June 2022 are eligible to vote in this year’s IEEE CS election. (Undergraduate student members do not hold voting rights.) Ballots must be returned no later than 12:00 p.m. EDT USA/16:00 UTC on Monday, 12 September 2022. Results will be announced in Computer magazine’s December issue and online.

Only IEEE CS members without an email address in their member record, or those who have opted out of IEEE email communications, will receive a paper ballot package. Those who receive paper ballots should return them by mail using the business reply envelope provided, or to IEEE Technical Activities, Attn: SGA, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.

All eligible voters will receive an email message from sender with voting instructions to access their online ballot information and voting link.  IEEE Account username/password is required to access the online ballot.

The voting link is always accessing from the IEEE CS election site. For replacement ballots or to request a paper ballot, call +1-732-562-3904 or email

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The IEEE Computer Society is the world’s home for computer science, engineering, and technology. A global leader in providing access to computer science research, analysis, and information, the IEEE Computer Society offers a comprehensive array of unmatched products, services, and opportunities for individuals at all stages of their professional careers. Known as the premier organization that empowers the people who drive technology, the IEEE Computer Society offers international conferences, peer-reviewed publications, a unique digital library, and training programs.