Professional Software Developer Certification

This professional competency certification requires the successful completion of the IEEE CS Online Exam (containing questions from the following four knowledge areas):

  1. Software Requirements
  2. Software Design
  3. Software Construction
  4. Software Testing

Exam Duration : 3 hours
Exam Questions: 160 Questions
Exam Location : Exams are 100% online and proctored remotely

You will receive further instructions via email regarding the exam process.

Recertification Application:
To process your application, please download the form and email it to:

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Professional Software Developer Certification
This professional competency certification requires successful completion of Certificates of Proficiency in the following four key knowledge areas: Software Engineering Requirements, Software Engineering Design, Software Engineering Construction, Software Engineering Testing and the successful completion of an online exam.

Candidates seeking this professional certification should have completed a minimum of two years of college education in computer science or equivalent in a related field and two years of relevant experience in industry. However, there are no prerequisites required for registration.


Recertification Application:
To process your application, please download the form and email it to:


Purchase Options
Exam Only $485
Courses & Exam Bundle $775
Exam Only $390
Courses & Exam Bundle $595
Courses & Exam Bundle $345

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