Professional Software Engineering Master Certification

This professional competency certification requires the successful completion of the IEEE CS Online Exam (containing questions from the following 11 knowledge areas):

  1. Software Requirements
  2. Software Design
  3. Software Construction
  4. Software Testing
  5. Software Maintenance
  6. Software Configuration Management
  7. Software Engineering Management
  8. Software Engineering Process
  9. Software Engineering Models and Methods
  10. Software Quality
  11. Software Engineering Economics

Exam Duration : 3 hours
Exam Questions: 160 Questions
Exam Location : Exams are 100% online and proctored remotely

You will receive further instructions via email regarding the exam process.

Recertification Application:
To process your application, please download the form and email it to:

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Professional Software Master Certification
This professional competency certification requires successful completion of Certificates of Proficiency in the following eleven key knowledge areas: Software Engineering Requirements, Software Engineering Design, Software Engineering Construction, Software Engineering Testing, Software Engineering Maintenance, Software Engineering Configuration Management, Software Engineering Quality, Software Engineering Processes, Software Engineering Models & Methods, Software Engineering Management, and Software Engineering Economics.

Candidates seeking this professional certification should have completed a minimum of four years of college education in computer science or equivalent in a related field and a minimum of four years of relevant industry experience. However, there are no prerequisites required for registration.

Purchase Options
Exam Only $865
Courses & Exam Bundle $1200
Exam Only $690
Courses & Exam Bundle $890
Courses & Exam Bundle $445

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