Damla Turgut

2025-2027 Board of Governors
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Damla Turgut is Charles Millican Professor and Chair of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida and the co-director of the AI Things Laboratory. She received her PhD from the Computer Science and Engineering Department of University of Texas at Arlington. She held visiting researcher positions at University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Imperial College of London and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. She published more than 200 research papers in the field of wireless networking, sensor networks and IoT. Most recently, she has been leveraging AI/ML techniques for applications of IoT in assistive technologies and smart environments.

Her honors and awards include the 2024 Pegasus Professorship at UCF (the highest award available for UCF faculty), the NCWIT 2021 Mentoring Award for Undergraduate Research (MAUR) Award, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2021-2025), 2021 Faculty Mentor of the Year, the Research and Teaching Incentive Awards, UCF Women of Distinction Award, the University Excellence Award in Professional Service. She was also featured in the UCF Women Making History series.

Since 2022, she serves as the Chair of the IEEE Technical Community on Computer Communications (TCCC), and she is currently the IEEE TAC-at-large member. She is the IEEE Computer Society representative on the Steering Committees of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and IEEE Transactions on Networking. She also served on the 2023 IEEE Computer Society T&C Awards Committee.

Since 2019, she serves as the N2Women (Networking Networking Women) Board Co-Chair where she co-leads the activities of the N2Women Board in supporting female researchers in the fields of networking and communications. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier Computer Communications Journal and associate Editor of Ad Hoc Networks and Pervasive Mobile Computing.  She is an IEEE and ACM Senior Member.

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