Weizhi Meng

2023-2025 Distinguished Visitor
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Dr. Weizhi Meng is currently an Associate Professor (tenured) in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the City University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining DTU, he worked as Research Scientist in Institute for Infocomm Research, A*Star, Singapore. He won the Outstanding Academic Performance Award during his doctoral study, and is a recipient of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers in both 2014 and 2017. He received the IEEE ComSoc Best Young Researcher Award for Europe, Middle East, & Africa Region (EMEA) in 2020, and the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award in 2020 for his contributions to leading activities in Denmark and Region 8. His primary research interests are intersections between Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Blockchain technology. He serves as associate editors / editorial board members for many reputed journals such as IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, as well as General Chair / Program Committee Chair for various international conferences such as ACM CCS 2023 and ESORICS 2022. He is directing the SPTAGE Lab at DTU.




DVP term expires December 2025


Collaborative Trust Management in Internet of Things

With the tremendous development of the Internet of Things (IoT), many security concerns have been raised. For protection, collaborative Intrusion detection techniques (e.g., CIDS) are a basic and important solution. However, due to the distributed nature, insider threats are a big challenge that can compromise the IoT environments. Hence there is a great need to design appropriate trust management mechanisms to help identify malicious nodes by establishing a trust map. This talk will introduce the background of collaborative intrusion detection in IoT networks, discuss the state-of-the-art on how to combine trust management with CIDS, and share the vision regarding how to build robust collaborative intrusion detection under large-scale IoT networks, and in the era of big data.

Blockchain Technology and Applications in Security

In recent years, blockchain technology has shown its adaptability in many fields, which can protect the integrity of data storage and ensure the process of transparency. It has become one of the important solutions for designing future security mechanisms. This talk will present the existing blockchain-assisted applications and introduce our designed blockchain development platform (named DevLeChain). Based on the platform, the talk will introduce how to design blockchain applications especially in the Denmark market, such as BlockCycle – a blockchain-based bicycle insurance system and NoPKI – a blockchain-based public key infrastructure.

Security and Privacy in Behavioral User Authentication on Mobile Devices

Currently, smartphones have become a personal assistant to store users’ private data and work as a social connection with peers. For this reason, smartphones are often an attractive target for cyber- criminals. To protect users’ private data from unauthorized access, there is a need to develop a suitable user authentication mechanism on mobile platforms. With the wide adoption of touchscreen, touch behavioral authentication has received much attention, which can verify users based on their touch gestures. However, how to design a robust touch behavioral authentication system remains a challenge in practice. This talk will introduce the background of biometric authentication and discuss some major security and privacy issues with future directions in this field.


  • Collaborative Trust Management in Internet of Things
  • Blockchain Technology and Applications in Security
  • Security and Privacy in Behavioral User Authentication on Mobile Devices