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By Stevie Carpenter
In the face of climate change, it’s now more important than ever to go as green as you can, even for businesses. But of course, that’s easier said than done. Unless you know exactly how to set green procurement goals you can achieve. We’ll cover all the basics surrounding these…
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Software architecture is like the blueprint of a building, guiding how different parts of a software system fit together. Over time, the landscape of software architecture has undergone significant transformations, driven by technological advancements and evolving project requirements. Understanding this journey through the various eras of software architecture is crucial…
LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 19 July 2024 – Today, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) announced keynotes for its upcoming IEEE SustainTech Leadership Forum. Taking place 27-28 August 2024 at the Hilton Bayfront in San Diego, Calif., U.S.A., the event will explore the latest environmentally friendly technologies to be applied in the…
By Stevie Carpenter
Amid the global climate crisis, every business is responsible for ensuring it’s doing whatever possible to limit or mitigate its impact. But how can you prove that you’re serious about those commitments and not just ‘talking the talk’? ESG sustainability reporting goes a long way in this regard. Here we’ll…
By Nithhyaa Ramamoorthy
The need for Humans to be connected to other Humans is as basic and essential as the need for Food, Water, and Shelter. Many neurologists and human-computer Interaction experts have studied the evolutionary aspects of the relationship between social connections and the overall well-being of Humans in various historical forms…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
In Panama, getting girls to envision and pursue a computer-related career is challenging: Traditional gender stereotypes often discourage young women from pursuing STEM fields. In addition, the lack of female role models plays a part as well as potential socio-economic barriers, such as limited access to technology and financial concerns.…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
As the digital frontier continues to expand, the concept of the metaverse has gone from speculative to reality. This immersive and interconnected virtual universe promises unprecedented opportunities for social interaction, commerce, and creativity. But what’s the best way to provide a safe and resilient virtual place without compromising security and…
By Pratiksha Agarwal
Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have transformed how businesses analyze and interpret vast amounts of data. These AI-driven models, trained on extensive text datasets, can accurately understand, generate, and translate language. They support various applications, from automated customer service to insightful data analysis, playing a pivotal role in modern…
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Ever wondered what’s in store for Java and Spring Boot, the tech superheroes behind loads of apps we use every day? Well, get ready for a cool journey into the future! Imagine this: you’re standing at a tech crossroads, and the path ahead is full of awesome trends that are…
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Building scalable and flexible systems has grown more dependent on the adoption of microservices architecture in the ever changing field of modern software development. Organizations face new data integrity and consistency concerns when they switch from traditional monolithic architectures to distributed microservices. Maintaining the system’s overall health and functionality depends…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
REGISTER Save the Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, at 12:00 pm EDT With elections right around the corner, we encourage all voting members to take the time to understand who’s running and what their vision for the IEEE Computer Society is. Join us and listen in as we learn more…
The rapid emergence of generative AI has ushered in a new era of human-machine collaboration, with profound implications for various fields, including visualization. These powerful AI models have sparked speculation about the potential for augmenting or replacing traditional visualization approaches. However, as Rahul C. Basole (Atlanta, GA, USA) and Timothy…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
With a 32-year career as a computer scientist and now affiliate researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, E. Wes Bethel joined the San Francisco State University faculty in Fall 2022. As a computer science associate professor at the university, his research focuses on high-performance computing, computer organization and architecture,…
The vision of virtual reality has been the recreation of reality. However, in pursuing this vision, researchers and developers have largely prioritized visual fidelity over integrating other sensory modalities. Favoring a visual perception and, more recently, combining it with audio has led to the design of virtual worlds that look…
By Arun Gupta
Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven success in scaling business growth and boosting profit margins using customer relationship management (CRM) involves leveraging the capabilities of AI within the CRM platform. The process includes enhancing various aspects of customer service, sales, marketing, and decision-making. Fortune Business Insights reported that the global CRM market size…
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