Raise Your Profile: Nominate Yourself for Computing’s Top 30 Early Career Professionals

IEEE Computer Society Team
Published 10/02/2024
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IEEE CS Top 30 ECP - 1200x1200 (3)Data shows that more than half (51%) of all engineers in the U.S. are between 20 and 40 years old, and reports indicate that Gen Z employees are poised to overtake the number of Baby Boomers in the workforce as early as this year.

These trends mean that the engineering workforce and leaders within it have begun skewing younger. Early career professionals—those who have graduated with their first professional degree within the last 15 years—make up a significant part of the engineering community, and their contributions are creating lasting impacts.

Launching Computing’s Top 30 Early Career Professionals

With that in mind, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) is launching its search for Computing’s Top 30 Early Career Professionals. This opportunity is for full-time professionals (for-profit or non-profit) or entrepreneurs who are making an impact and is designed to spotlight the most distinguished early career professionals in computer science and engineering today.

To participate, applicants must self-nominate and provide the following:

  • Resume/CV
  • Thousand-word-or-less summary of why you are a top early career professional in computing
    • For full-time professionals, this summary may include information on projects you’ve worked on, domains you’ve worked in, career achievements, promotions, and increased responsibilities.
    • For entrepreneurs, it may speak to how your new company/non-profit will achieve profitability, as well as benefit customers, communities, and/or the world at large.
  • Information on areas of recognition, including but not limited to, the following (as warranted):
    • Awards from companies, research labs, outside organizations, best paper achievements, or competitions
    • Published papers and research
    • Speaking engagements, such as keynotes, guest lectures, and invited talks
    • Social media account(s), podcasts, and/or blogs that demonstrate content creation and engagement with the computing community


Those honored as Computing’s Top 30 Early Career Professionals in 2024 will receive:

  • A US$2,500 cash prize award
  • Complimentary IEEE CS membership for one year
  • A certificate of recognition
  • Exclusive opportunities to participate in IEEE CS programs and engage with the IEEE CS’ Leadership/Executive Committee
  • Recognition and a featured article on computer.org

Nominate Yourself Today

Nominations are due to IEEE CS by Tuesday, 4 November, 2024. Honorees will be selected by a committee of IEEE CS volunteers, and nominees will be evaluated on demonstrated expertise and knowledge of their craft; leadership skills; adherence to the IEEE Code of Ethics; graduation criteria; and employment status (must be a full-time professional or entrepreneur). Winners will be notified of their receipt of the award by December 2024.

For more information or to apply, visit the competition’s main page.