Episode 37 | Comparing Oneself To Others

Indy Gupta
Published 06/15/2022
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Immigrant Computer Scientists Podcast Ep 37You have surely compared yourself to others at some point in your life. Perhaps you do it weekly or even daily, or without thinking! Computer Science is a pretty competitive profession, and some argue comparing oneself to others is a human instinct.

The first of our remix episodes is here! It features 6 IITans, currently in Silicon Valley, talking about how they handle this instinct to compare our insides to others outsides. (All 6 guests are from 1998 IIT Madras Batch of Bachelors in Computer Science).

If you’d like to listen to the full conversation, it appeared as Episodes 24 and 25:

  • [Season 2 Premiere] IIT Madras CS Batch of 1998: 7 graduates from that batch, including 3 startup founders + 3 industry long-timers + 1 Prof, or 4 PhDs + 3 Masters graduates (MIT, Stanford, Cornell, Wisconsin, UNCx2, UIUC). Discuss their journeys (Part 1) and their perspectives on India and Indian immigrants (Part 2).

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