Industrial-control systems run operations in factories, nuclear-power stations, utility plants, and similar facilities. These facilities are complex and important, and attacks on them could cause safety hazards. The Stuxnet worm gained worldwide attention recently because it was the first malware to target industrial-control systems. Joe Weiss, an expert in industrial-control-system security and founder of Applied Control Solutions consultancy, addresses issues related to his field of expertise. In doing so, he focuses on what can be done to enhance industrial-control-system security.
Part 1: Joe Weiss discusses industrial-control-system security
In the first part of a two-part interview, Joe discusses Stuxnet and how it relates to industrial control security.
Part 2: Joe Weiss discusses industrial-control-system security
In the second part of a two-part interview, Joe discusses lessons learned from Stuxnet.
About Joe Weiss
Joe Weiss is recognized as an expert in industrial-control-system security. His professional experience includes more than 35 years in the field of industrial instrumentation controls and automation, and more than 10 years in ICS cybersecurity. He is managing partner at Applied Control Solutions, which provides consulting services relating to the optimization and security of ICSs. Weiss holds two patents, has testified before the US Congress numerous times, and has made presentations at many conferences throughout the world. He has won numerous awards from organizations such as the Electric Power Research Institute and the International Society of Automation. He is author of the book “Protecting Industrial Control Systems from Electronic Threats.”