IEEE Std. 2888.1-2023 IEEE Standard for Specification of Sensor Interface for Cyber and Physical Worlds
IEEE Std. 2888.4-2023 IEEE Standard for Architecture for Virtual Reality Disaster Response Training System with Six Degrees of Freedom (6 DoF)
IEEE Std. 3079.3-2023 IEEE Standard for a Framework for Evaluating the Quality of Digital Humans
IEEE Std. 3333.1.4-2022 IEEE Recommended Practice for the Quality Assessment of Light Field Imaging
P2888.5a Standard for Virtual Training System Evaluation Methods Amendment: Physiological evaluation method for virtual training systems
P2888.6 Standard for Holographic Visualization for Interfacing Cyber and Physical Worlds
P2888.7 Standard for Architecture of a Digital Twin System for Carbon Emission Management
P3079.2 Mixed Reality (MR) Standard Framework for Motion Learning
P3079.3.1 Standard for Service Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Digital Human Authoring and Visualization
P3422 Recommended Practice for Metaverse Ecosystem Reference Models
Current Standards Needs
Recent advances and interest in digital twin and smart cities are based on the convenience and effectiveness provided by building a cyber world to model target products or city infrastructure. Building a cyber world synchronized with the physical world depends on information coming from a large number of remotely controlled sensors and actuators. Today, there are no standards for the data format or data interface of these sensors and actuators, and manufacturers have to depend on the specifications provided by each individual service provider. By providing standards for these formats, the manufactured sensors and actuators can fit into any environment without considering specific service provider specifications, accelerating the development of the technology and related services.
Recently, virtual reality and mixed reality have led to the development of many technologies. In addition, many content services using these technologies are being developed. In particular, mixed reality technology based on motion recognition is widely used as a tool for learning and training motion. For this purpose, it is necessary to synchronize the contents with the mixed reality device, and it is a very basic condition to be developed so that the data provided by the sensor can be well reflected in the contents. Thus, a standard framework standard for such mixed reality content is necessary. By using this standard framework, interoperability of mixed reality content for learning postures such as rhythms, sports, and games is ensured to promote the realistic mixed reality industry and accelerate the development of technologies and services.
Standards Stakeholders
System developers of digital twins and smart-X (e.g., smart farm, smart factory, smart city, smart car), researchers and engineers working in the digital twins and metaverse domains, and Content creators/providers related to extended reality or metaverse.