Meet the Candidates for 2025 President-Elect (2026 President)
The opinions expressed in the statements are those of the individual candidates and do not necessarily reflect Computer Society positions or policies.

grace lewis

Grace A. Lewis

Position statement

The vision of the IEEE Computer Society is “to be the leading provider of technical information, community services, and personalized services to the world’s computing professionals.” I will use my experience as the current IEEE CS First Vice President, past Second Vice President, past Vice President for Technical Activities and Conference (T&C), and past Board of Governors member, to contribute to this mission and the Society’s Strategic Plan by (1) identifying and executing activities that leverage the success and energy of our student chapters and early career professionals so that they continue to engage with the Society after graduation and as they build their careers; (2) identifying mechanisms and incentives for increasing industry participation in all the Society’s activities to bridge the gap between research and practice, which is much needed for real and balanced innovation and impact; (3) leveraging my experience working with emerging technologies to create better paths for integrating these into our portfolios, and keeping our technical communities vibrant and up to date on advances in the field of computing; (4) continuing and starting new activities to improve diversity and inclusion in all areas of the Society, leveraging the collaboration infrastructure that we developed during the pandemic, to reach communities that are still underrepresented; (5) developing a pipeline to increase our volunteer base, including recruitment, training, growth, and recognition; (6) identifying areas of improvement for the operation of the Society so that staff can do their jobs more effectively, while promoting, growing, and supporting all our activities and programs; (7) ensuring that the value of being an IEEE and IEEE Computer Society member and volunteer is clearly articulated and known to all existing and potential members such that they join and continue to be active members throughout their career and lifetime; (8) developing and supporting events that provide members transparency of Society goals and activities, as well as opportunities to shape these goals and activities; and (9) as a more personal goal, creating stronger links between the Society and Latin America (Region 9), a community full of vibrant and enthusiastic researchers and practitioners that simply do not have the resources that other countries have. As an active volunteer of the IEEE Computer Society, I am known for “getting things done” and will continue to do so!

Candidate web site with additional information is available at








Grace Lewis is a Principal Researcher at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where she conducts applied research on how software engineering and software architecture principles, practices, and tools need to evolve in the face of emerging technologies. She is the principal investigator for the Automating Mismatch Detection and Testing in Machine Learning Systems project that is developing toolsets to support these two activities, in addition to other projects that are advancing the state of the practice in software engineering for machine learning (SE4ML). Grace is also the lead for the Tactical and AI-Enabled Systems (TAS) applied research and development team at the SEI that is creating and transitioning innovative solutions, principles, and best practices for (1) architecting and developing systems to support teams operating at the tactical edge in resource-constrained environments, (2) engineering AI software systems, and (3) using AI/ML at the edge for improved capabilities and mission support. She is currently First Vice President of the IEEE Computer Society, Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Chair of the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society Representative to the AI Coalition Future Directions Committee, and an ABET Evaluator for Computer Science undergraduate programs. She received the IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award in 2020 and the IEEE Computer Society Spirit Award in 2023.  Grace holds a B.Sc. in Software Systems Engineering and a Post-Graduate Specialization in Business Administration from Icesi University in Cali, Colombia; a Master in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University; and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Candidate web site with additional information is available at




Charles (Chuck) Hansen

Position statement 

The IEEE Computer Society is the leading society of researchers and practitioners from academics through industry, spanning students and professionals with global participation.  Looking to the future, the IEEE Computer Society should continue to be the leader in our field though the engagement of its members as the ever-evolving computing landscape moves forward. I am experienced and committed to leading this effort.  As President Elect, I will focus on the following:

Technology Dissemination to our members though conferences and publications.  Conferences and publications are the two main resource generators for the IEEE Computer Society.  As such, I will focus on bringing more extensive membership benefits based on these critical platforms. Through hybrid conferences, we have learned that the hybrid model brings more diversity and inclusion through broadening participation.  The IEEE Computer Society should invest in methods for sustainable development of hybrid models for conferences. Similarly, the IEEE Computer Society should investigate membership benefits that amplify the ability for research and practitioner dissemination.  Member benefits could be from access to collaborative tools (such as OverLeaf) to clear pathways for Open Access.  

Membership Engagement to be inclusive for industry, students, and young professionals.  We should explore methods to engage and support different communities by providing opportunities for volunteer involvement and meaningful participation.  The next generation of leaders grows from our technical communities and enabling meaningful engagement across our TCs should be a focus for the Society.

Enabling Volunteers through transparent opportunities for participation.  Ensuring methods and practices for providing opportunities for interested members.  Our volunteers are our lifeblood and making it easy and fulfilling to volunteer in various roles benefits all. Maintaining inclusiveness, diversity and equality is imperative for the healthy growth of the IEEE Computer Society.  Strengthening the IEEE-CS relationship with sister organizations, such as ACM, would enable volunteers and provide another benefit to IEEE CS members.

As an IEEE Fellow, my professional career has been positively impacted by the IEEE Computer Society.  I have given back to the community through conference organization, publication leadership, various volunteer positions.  As a Board of Governors member, I have been engaged as vice chair of finances, treasurer for publications and serving multiple years on the pubs-board. As an Emeritus Professor, I have the time to dedicate to the Society to enact these ideas.  I would appreciate your support and I look forward to serving you as president elect of the IEEE Computer Society.



Charles (Chuck) Hansen is an IEEE Fellow and a Distinguished Professor, Emeritus in the Kahlert School of Computing and a founding member of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah. 

Chuck Hansen served on the Technical Committee for Visualization and Graphics (VGTC) Board from 1995-2002 and 2020-2023. He was on the IEEE Visualization Conference Steering Committee from 2001-2004 and initiated term limits during that time. He has co-Chaired IEEE Visualization 2000, was Program co-Chair for Visualization ’99 and served as a papers co-Chair for IEEE SciVis (then called IEEE Visualization) in 2007-2008. He co-Chaired IEEE LDAV in 2014. He was twice an Associate Editor in Chief (AEIC) of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). He was the IEEE-CS Chair of the Transactions Operations Committee in 2020 and has served on the IEEE-CS Pubs Board from 2022-present.  He has been on the IEEE-CS Board of Governors since 2022. He was the IEEE-CS Finance vice chair in 2003.

He was awarded the IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics “Technical Achievement Award” in 2005 in recognition of seminal work on tools for understanding large-scale scientific data sets. In 2017, he was awarded the IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics “Career Award” In recognition for his contributions to large scale data visualization, including advances in parallel and volume rendering, novel interaction techniques, and techniques for exploiting hardware; for his leadership in the community as an educator, program chair, and editor; and for providing vision for the development and support of the field. He has authored over 170 peer reviewed manuscripts and released open-source software: FluoRender, to support analysis of confocal microscopy data and OpenSpace, to support contextualization of the universe and NASA missions from planetariums to the desktop.

His CV is at:


See Vice President Candidates >>