Calls for Papers in Computer Science

The IEEE Computer Society provides hybrid publishing options for all its publications, allowing authors to make their papers open access in any magazine or journal. Browse the open Calls for Papers (CFPs) across all categories below.

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Workshop & Panels proposal deadline: 1 November 2024 Research and industry paper submission deadline (2 pages max): 1 December 2024 Acceptance notifications and reviewers’ comments: 1 February 2025 Final Camera-Ready copy deadline: 7 February 2025 Conference Date: 5-7 May 2025 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI) The IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE CAI) is an international conference […]

Submissions Due: Various
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Privacy

IEEE Transactions on Privacy, a new fully open access journal, seeks submissions of high-quality articles addressing the theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection, including specification, design, implementation, testing, and validation. Privacy, in this context, is defined as the freedom from unauthorized intrusion in its broadest sense, arising from any activity […]

Submissions Due: Ongoing
Magazine - IEEE Pervasive Computing

IEEE Pervasive Computing is launching a new “Research Brief” format to provide an accessible avenue for highlighting important results and perspectives based on new and published work.  IEEE Pervasive Computing welcomes submissions that cover the role of computing in the physical world— as characterized by visions such as the Internet of Things and ubiquitous computing. […]

Submissions Due: Ongoing

Important Dates Full poster Proposal Abstract: 15 July 2024 BoF Proposal Abstract: 15 July 2024 About IEEE Quantum Week IEEE Quantum Week — The IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) — is bridging the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of an industry surrounding it. As such, this […]

Submissions Due: Various
Magazine - IEEE Internet Computing

Publication date: Jan/Feb 2025 In the dynamic landscape of the era of Industry 4.0, digital twins stand as a transformative technology that bridges physical systems with their digital replicas. This emerging technology introduces a new wave of predictive analytics and operational optimization across diverse sectors. As the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and […]

Submissions Due: 15 July 2024

Conference: 7-10 October​ ​2024 About IEEE Secure Development Conference SecDev​ ​is​ ​a​ ​venue​ ​for​ ​presenting​ ​ideas,​ ​research,​ ​and​ ​experience​ ​about​ ​how​ ​to​ ​develop​ ​secure systems. It focuses on theory,​ ​techniques,​ ​and​ ​tools​ ​to ​“build​ ​security​ ​in” to​ ​existing​ ​and​ ​new​ ​computing​ ​systems, and does not focus on simply discovering​ ​the​ ​absence​ ​of​ ​security.​ The​ ​goal […]

Submissions Due: 31 July 2024
Magazine - IEEE Software

Important Dates Submissions: 15 August 2024 Publication: May/June 2025 The provocative question we are interested in is as follows:  Can we really ask a Computer to test software systems without human intervention? Our hypothesis is that AI can perform a whole series of tasks such as design, construction, run and maintain automated test suites and […]

Submissions Due: 15 August 2024
Magazine - IEEE Security & Privacy

Publication: March/April 2025 Digital systems and technologies pervade all walks of life – from online banking and shopping through to social interactions and remote working. As society’s reliance on digital systems grows so do the risks emerging from misuse of such technologies to cause harms. These harms may be posed by cybercriminals aiming to scam […]

Submissions Due: 30 August 2024
Magazine - IEEE MultiMedia

Publication: January-March 2025 The rapid advancement in AI technology continues to revolutionize multimedia applications, integrating them seamlessly into our daily activities. AI-powered multimedia applications have become indispensable, offering enhanced user experiences across various platforms. The development of foundation models holds great promise in further enhancing the inferability and reliability of multimedia data, driving innovation in […]

Submissions Due: 31 August 2024
Magazine - IEEE Intelligent Systems

Publication date: March/April 2025 Artificial intelligence (AI)-based intelligent and autonomous systems are transforming human lives in unprecedented ways. As AI technology proliferates our society, national and local governments play a key role in enabling its widespread deployment towards improving the quality of human life, as well as in developing and shaping AI policy towards the […]

Submissions Due: 31 August 2024
Magazine - IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Important Dates Publication: March/April 2025 We invite submissions for a special issue on Generative AI for Computer Graphics, aimed at exploring the cutting-edge advancements at the intersection of artificial intelligence and computer graphics. Generative AI techniques have revolutionized the field, enabling unprecedented creativity and realism in generating images, animations, and 3D models. This special issue […]

Submissions Due: 5 September 2024
Magazine - IEEE Micro

Publication: March/April 2025 In the era of exponential data growth, modern data centers and large-scale computing environments are challenged by the limitations of traditional, monolithic system designs that tightly integrate compute, memory, and storage resources. These conventional, all-integrated systems confront significant difficulties including resource over-provisioning, under-utilization, and hitting the memory capacity wall, highlighting the urgent […]

Submissions Due: 12 September 2024
Magazine - IT Professional

Publication: Mar/Apr 2025 The U.S. technology startup OpenAI released ChatGPT in November 2022, a pivotal event viewed as instrumental in bringing the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) to a mass audience. Over time, attitudes toward GAI tools, held by both organizations and individuals, have generally become more positive, fostering widespread adoption and acceptance. Even skeptics […]

Submissions Due: 17 September 2024
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

Important Dates Submission Deadline: 30 September 2024 Publication: (tentative) First Half of 2025 Authors are invited to submit a manuscript to the special section on Emerging Computing Architectures, Technologies and Applications for Smart Robotics Systems (ECATA4SRS-2024). Relevant topics of interest to this special section include (but are not limited to): Emerging computing-based systems: modelling, navigation, […]

Submissions Due: 30 September 2024
Magazine - IEEE Pervasive Computing

Important Dates Title and Abstracts Due: 17 September 2024 (to Full Manuscripts Due: 1 October 2024 (via submission site) Publication date: Jul-Sep 2025 Biosensors measure biological elements. Biosensing refers to the use of analytical devices capable of converting a biological response into a measurable signal, often an electrical one, to measure complex biological phenomena.  Biosensing […]

Submissions Due: 1 October 2024
Magazine - IEEE Software

Important Dates Submissions Deadline: 10 October 2024 Publication: July/August 2025 Nowadays quantum computers are increasingly available to a larger community. While quantum computing hardware and software is still in its infancy, it is foreseeable that the technology will become established for specific problems. Prominent examples are factorization of integers and database search, amongst others. Researchers […]

Submissions Due: 10 October 2024
Magazine - IEEE Security & Privacy

Important Dates Publication: May/June 2025 Electronic surveillance and cyberattacks are used in occupied conflict regions by aggressors to monitor, cut off communications, intimidate, disrupt, or target [3]. Cyberatttacks are also levied across borders against countries, their populations, and institutions [4], as well as against the United Nations [5] and international, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) providing humanitarian […]

Submissions Due: 14 October 2024
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems

Tentative Publication: January-March 2025 This Special Section on New Tools and Techniques the Distributed Computing Continuum (DCC) will provide a forum for presenting research works from diverse areas from the computing continuum such as distributed scheduling, resource management, cloud-edge computing, workflows management, distributed data analytics and AI techniques in the DCC, and computational science applications. […]

Submissions Due: 15 October 2024
Magazine - IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Important Dates Submissions due: 31 October 2024 Publication:  May/June 2025 Critical data visualization generally refers to the practice of examining and representing data  with an awareness of the cultural, social, and ethical implications. These methods support  consideration of the power structures embedded into visualization designs, inspection of the  politics latent to research methods, and reflection […]

Submissions Due: 31 October 2024
Journal - IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society

Recently, an increasing number of organizations have adopted zero-trust technologies to minimize risks by enforcing precise, least-privilege access decisions for service applications, especially when networks are compromised.  Within a zero-trust architecture, every access request, whether originating from an external or internal network, must be authenticated and evaluated for permission. This approach also prevents unauthorized individuals […]

Submissions Due: 31 October 2024
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Computers

Publication: September 2025  IEEE Transactions on Computers seeks original manuscripts for a special issue/section on Carbon Efficient Computer Architectures and Systems scheduled to appear in the September 2025 issue. Green and sustainable computing has long been relatively synonymous with energy-efficient computing. Over the last decade there is evidence that energy and resulting carbon and other […]

Submissions Due: 1 December 2024
Magazine - IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Important Dates Submissions due: 30 December 2024 Publication: July/August 2025 While the visualization community has made great strides over the last few decades, visualization research has traditionally centered on certain user groups, notably individuals without disabilities, overlooking the diverse capabilities and needs of a broader range of people. The disparities in sensory, cognitive, and motor […]

Submissions Due: 30 December 2024
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Computers

IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), the flagship journal for the IEEE Computer Society, is a monthly publication with a wide distribution to researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the computer field. It publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers, including but not limited to the following: Computer organizations and […]

Submissions Due: Ongoing
Magazine - Computing in Science & Engineering

CiSE accepts submissions on an ongoing basis for the following three tracks: Data* Reproducible Research Software Engineering Please see the individual calls for papers below for details. Data* Track – Call for Papers Submission and publication: Ongoing Track editors: Ilkay Altintas (San Diego Supercomputer Center) and Nicola Ferrier (Argonne National Laboratory) The data-centric era is […]

Submissions Due: Ongoing
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing is a cross-disciplinary and international archive journal aimed at disseminating results of research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions and related affective phenomena. The journal publishes original research on the principles and theories explaining why and how affective factors condition interaction between humans […]

Submissions Due: Ongoing
Journal - IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) seeks original manuscripts for submission under Technical Tracks. In a track, the technical contents of a submitted manuscript must be both of research type and of an emerging nature, and must fall within the scope and competencies of the Computer Society. Purely theoretical, technological, or lacking methodological-and-generality papers are […]

Submissions Due: Ongoing
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