2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD 2010)
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The programmable logic block (PLB) in a modern FPGA features a built-in carry chain (or adder) and a decomposable LUT, where such an LUT may be decomposed into two or more smaller LUTs. Leveraging decomposable LUTs and underutilized carry chains, we propose to decompose a logic function in a PLB into two subfunctions and to combine the subfunctions via a carry chain to make the circuit more robust against single-event upsets(SEUs). Note that such decomposition can be implemented using the decomposable LUT and carry chain in the original PLB without changing the PLB-level placement and routing. Therefore, it is an in-place decomposition (IPD) with no area and timing overhead at the PLB level and has an ideal design closure between logic and physical syntheses. For 10 largest combinational MCNC benchmark circuits with a conservative 20% utilization rate for carry chain, IPD improves MTTF (mean time to failure) by 1.43 and 2.70 times respectively, for PLBs similar to those in Xilinx Virtex-5 and Altera Stratix-IV.
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